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Is it possible to convert from 32 bit to 64 bit?

I want to demo the Ocean Way plugin and to my disapointment I see it reguires 64 bit. I am currently running a Sweetwater Creation Station PC windows 7 home premium system at 32bits and wonder how complicated/expensive/and is it possible to upgrade to 64 bit? I am born way before the computer age and know how to run my recording program but beyond that I am lost. Thanks. Walter


Venerated Member
You arent alone, Walter.

It's a lot of work to jump to 64 bit, if you haven't been on top of things.

Maybe start with listing your setup (DAW) and your favorite plugins, and people can chime in and let you (us) know if these plugins have 64 bit versions.
I would just start with a list of plugins first, it is already a lot of work when it comes down to upgrading an arsenal of plugins.


Active Member
try ''jbridge'', jBridge | J's stuff with this you can load 64Bit plugs in a 32Bit DAW or 32Bit plugs in a 64Bit DAW. Maybe you have to upgrade your OS to 64Bit.


cheerful hamster

Is the OWS plug 64-bit only? I can't find any mention of that on UA's website. I haven't run the demo yet.
thanks for all the replies. On the V7 page below it states you need 64 bit for a PC. I downloaded it and it is running all my other plugins fine- neve 1081, manley, emt 140, ampex/studer tape, shadow hills, UA precision multiband, UA precision limiter,pultec, 1176, LA2A. walter


cheerful hamster

On the V7 page below it states you need 64 bit for a PC.
It has said that for past few UAD versions, but users have reported that v.7.0 works fine on x86 Windows and DAWs. Did you try running the OWS demo? I see there is an x86 version in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VstPlugins\Powered Plugins folder.


Venerated Member
I did not realize you could use 7 on 32 bit. I knew there was some trick, but I was not going to play with that.
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