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Did UA Support give me a free plug in by accident?

Rory Tate

A few weeks ago, I asked UA to reset my demos. Today I get an email asking me to review my recent plug in purchase (Galaxy Tape Echo). I checked "My Systems" on UA's site and the "Galaxy Tape Echo" is in black font along with the "Demo Reset All Plug Ins for UAD-2". Everything else is in blue font.

I'm not at home, so I can't check to see if the plug in works.

The email indicates that my purchase was on 2016-08-01. UA reset my demos on Aug 3rd.

I didn't find any charges on my credit card.

And lastly, should I be glad I have Galaxy if I already own the RE-201?? :p

Rory Tate

Can you please clarify your statement? Galaxy's GUI will be better? Why is that?


Edit: I think I understand now. Galaxy is sort of a MKII version of RE-201?


Venerated Member
I's seems you did not get that Galaxy is automatically given to all RE-201 's owners because its the same plug but different with gui

Rory Tate

^^ Thanks for the clarification. I just learned this from the forum. I guess I shouldn't be so excited then if it's the same plug in. Plus, I can't even use it since I'm still on V 7.3!


Here´s the mail fromUA

"At the beginning of August we released UAD v8.7 software which contained the Galaxy Tape, Brigade Chorus, and Studio D Chorus plug ins. These plug ins were given free of charge to owners of the respective Roland RE-201, Boss CE-1, or Roland Dimension D plug ins (existing owners were given the new plug ins corresponding to the plug ins they already owned).Whenever a plug in license is added to your account, the 'Thanks for your purchase' email that you received is automatically triggered, even if the plug in license wasn't added to your account by means of a purchase. In this case the license(s) were added to your account free of charge because you owned the corresponding previous plug ins "

Many thanks to the great support!


Active Member
Seems since all the original manufacturer names such as "Roland" have been removed my guess is there was some issue with the licenses.
UAD Bundle Month