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1176LN Or LA2A? How to set them for an RnB female voice?


Active Member
Hi guys,

LA2A or 1176LN?
I just get the uad1 and i'm not familiar with some of the 1176 and LA2A parameters..How would you set them to get that fat puncy\"on ya face\" vocal sound of RnB commercial records? How about the backing vocals?

MASSIVE Mastering

Active Member
Impossible to answer... You use whichever one sounds better, set up whichever way it sounds better in that mix.

It's totally dependent on everything in the chain, plus all other aspects of the entire mix.


Active Member
You couldnt be given better advice than the last post.

But try this if you want something to be very 'in your face'.

Do the LA2A first. push it to respond in the -2 to -5 range. How deep you go can ONLY be determined by the song, the singer and the performance. There is no way to tell you where to set it.

Follow this with an 1176 (yes use both compressors) set it on medium attack and release and use 12:1 and go for light reduction on the meter (-5 or so).

This combination will give you a fairly giant vocal, but not exactly natural. It might actually sound horrible. So if it does, back off the 1176 first and then the LA2A till it sounds good.

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