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1176SE and 1176LN


Active Member
Hey, im new to all UAD plugins and trying to read on in the site what is what to understand which ones will be more usful for me.
what i couldnt figure out is the difftences between the 1176SE and 1176LN. beside of the obvious which is the colour, they look the same and have the same functions, so how come there are 2 plugins that are the same but the colour?
i have the same problem with the LA-2A and LA-3A, cant see any diffrences exept the colour.


The 1176Ln(black) is the full version of the emulation. The SE is a light version of the LN. You can load many more instances of the SE.
The Difference in sound is very obvious.
IMO the SE version doesn't even come close to what the LN does, but the SE version is still quite usable.

Get the LN, you won't be sorry.

LA-2a vs. the LA-3a is another story.
Two different machines were modeled here.
I would say the LA-3a is more aggressive sounding then the LA-2a.
The 3a seems to have faster attack and release times.



Established Member
Technically the differences are the LN version uses is a different from of compression (feedback) to improve the waveform accuracy and this makes it more \"analogue\" sounding. It can be pushed much harder than the second edition which uses feedforward compression and can't be realy pushed as hard.

Many of the UAD collection upsample and use realtime dithering to push any artefacts into the inaudible region.

EDIT: Updated answer.


Established Member
Fundy said:
Technically the differences are the LN version upsamples it to 192KHz to improve the waveform accuracy and applies ultradithering before down-sampling. Therefore it can be pushed much harder than the second edition as all the possible artefacts are pushed into the inaudiable region as it were.
I think it's a totally different type of compressor, isn't it? A feedforward, rather than feedback compressor? :?

EDIT: http://uaudio.com/webzine/2007/january/index7.html

Yup :)


Established Member
Yes it kind of works in reverse, increasing the attack value quickens it and lowering the release value increases it. It' a bit confusing at first really. Then you have all the All Buttons mode where no fixed ratio compression is added at all and it becomes a more like a brickwall limiter pushing transients through the digital ceiling. Although once you get the best out of it, the results are rewarding.

There is also an emulation on the Powercore called 24/7 but it doesn't really seem to sound as good.


Established Member
Eh? :?

It's nothing to do with the knobs - the internal workings of the 1176LN and SE are markedly different. One is a feedforward compressor (SE), one a feedback compressor (LN). That's what I meant :)

If the list on the link I posted is right then it's nothing to do with upsampling either, as the 1176LN doesn't upsample anyway;

Webzine said:
Many UAD plug-ins up-sample (Preflex, Precision EQ, Pultec EQ, Pultec Pro EQ, 1081 EQ, 1073 EQ, 33609).
Sorry if I have misunderstood you... :)


Active Member
Macc said:
Fundy said:
Technically the differences are the LN version upsamples it to 192KHz to improve the waveform accuracy and applies ultradithering before down-sampling. Therefore it can be pushed much harder than the second edition as all the possible artefacts are pushed into the inaudiable region as it were.
I think it's a totally different type of compressor, isn't it? A feedforward, rather than feedback compressor? :?

Yup :)
So if i understand correctly, your saying the LN version sounds more like the hardware but takes more power from my dsp card?

BTW whats the diffrence between feedforward and feedback compressor? im not sure i understood that.


Established Member
I am guessing you're a UAD newbie (no disrespect! :) ).

So, it's like this;

UA make emulations of high quality hardware. They do it extremely well, but to make things sound that good means the card's dsp chip has to work hard. Being aware of this, UA also make 'SE' versions of some plugins, which don't sound as close to the hardware because they 'cut corners' on some computations. However, cutting those corners means you can use more of them as they are less demanding on the dsp chip.

Personally, with the SE versions, I rate them like this (in terms of how they match up to the full versions) ;

1073+1081 SE - pretty good, and certainly excellent plugins in comparison to other native eqs.

33609 SE - just isn't the same as the full one, no siree :| . However, it's a very good plugin compressor in its own right (again, it stands up to most plugin comps very well).

1176 SE - bag of shite IMHO :lol: I can't stand it to be honest! :lol: I probably should give it another chance, but with three cards, the full 1176LN is just toooooooo good to resist :D

Oh, and regarding feedback and feedforward compressors - I wouldn't worry about it, but you could always Google it if you are interested :)

Hope this helps :)


the 1176ln is a beast compared to the le version. also i just ordered a 2nd card & plan on buying the 1176ln asap


Established Member
The only real difference I have found with the LN version is, it can be driven harder without distortion kicking into the peaks. Some people use that hardware colouring to their advantage though, so they can have light distortion and automatic compression in the one plug-in.

Ben Logan

Active Member
Load up the SE version on a snare drum. Then compare the LN with the same settings. You'll hear the difference.

To my ears, the SE brings out the brashness / metallic sound of a snare (to an overpowering degree). The LN sounds warmer and crunchier.

The SE can sound pretty good following the LA2A in a vocal situation though.
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