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1176SE Question

I've been testing out some favorite settings for individual drums, room mic drum bus, and full group drums.
One thing that I noticed is in the presets for the 1176LN and 1176SE, one of the top settings, I believe it was drum loop slow, there was a different attack time for the 1176SE preset than the same-titled preset for the 1176LN. The preset is just after the same name preset 'fast', and appears in the same place in preset lists in the SE and LN versions.
I didn't notice any other settings for the two version's presets being different settings from eachother.
But, what I did find was that the slight variation was a closer match for the SE to sound closer to the LN. I think that the attack for the SE was at 4 and the LN was set to 3, with the same preset names that correspond.
If the SE was adjusted to the same settings as the blackface LN, it couldn't stand up to the LN; it wasn' even close on snare and group bus. But, with the slight variation the SE sounded much closer.
Has anyone else noticed this preset between the two versions? I'm wondering if the settings were intentionally slightly different between the two units to give the best sounding response.
In either case, this preset ended up being my favorite overall 1176 drum sound, so it was ironic that the similarity from SE to LN was arrived at with two differing attack times! I haven't found any other settings between the two to be as close sounding to eachother, especially when driving the two versions hard, the poor SE can't quite keep up.


Established Member
I'm pretty sure that 'in real life' the blackface 1176's behave differently than the silver ones. All I know is that many of our clients prefer the blackfaced ones better, and that they're often harder to come by as part of a room.



Sadly, left this world before his time.
The 1176SE is not a 'silverface' 1176 emulation; it's just a low DSP version of the 1176LN.
Akis said:
The 1176SE is not a 'silverface' 1176 emulation; it's just a low DSP version of the 1176LN.
I understand that the 1176SE is a low DSP version of the 1176LN. Just to clarify, when comparing the SE to the LN, UA has made a Preset folder for both Plugins individually. If you load the
1176LN Preset "Beat Limiting Slow"
for the 1176LN plugin, and the
1176SE Preset "Beat Limiting Slow"
for the 1176SE plugin, you will find the settings for the 1176SE are different than the corresponding Preset for the 1176LN.
I hadn't noticed this to be the case for any other Presets for any other plugins and their corresponding SE versions.
The thing that I found the most interesting about it, is that the variance in that particular preset brings the low DSP version closer to the LN's sound than trying to match settings identically.
In UA's description of the low DSP versions, it sounds as if processing may be optimized at certain settings, but pushing settings beyond a certain point is where the most noticeable difference becomes more apparent.
For the above example, I have listened with individual snare, room drums, overheads, and group drums bus, and the SE performs very closely to the LN when left at it's corresponding preset setting. If you try changing to match the settings of the LN exactly, it sounds a bit soggy and weaker.
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