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2-1176 settingsd on Master bus


New Member
I'd like to run a mix out to an outboard (hardware, not UAD plug in) 2-1176.

Could I ask for some general Master bus settings for this?

Thanks in advance.


Venerated Member
If you don't know why you want to run it through a hardware 2-1176, then why would you want to know master-bus settings, why not just play around with some settings and see what you like? If you know why you want to use it, then you should already know the settings you would like, or otherwise I don't really think you know why you want to use it.


Established Member
Asking for compressor settings, eq settings, or anything general for these specific sound shaping tools is quite pointless indeed. Even if you *were* very specific about what genre you are recording, what I think would sound good is not what you think will sound good, and unless I'm standing in the room with you how could I possibly know what the effect of turning this knob vs. turning that knob will be?
It just doesn't make sense to ask for these things.
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