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2nd UAD-1: Welcome home

bulls hit

Active Member
My second card has slipped seamlessly into a teflon-covered PCI groove.

With just the one card I always had issues with the PMB, even the Pultec, I'd get error message when opening a project, it wouldn't play without disabling/enabling plugs etc.

Now with twice the horsepower under the hood, it's all slipperier than a vaseline-coated banana skin. And with my shiny new helios, 1176, 88rs and 1073 toys to play with to boot. Someone just called one of my new mixes 'pro' heh. It's all happening. Peace, joy and goodwill to all :lol:


Established Member
Just put my third in... I've bought 3 in three months :oops:

I'm not a big one for chasing technology, so this setup (3xUAD's and a fast CPU) should last me a long long time :) Plus the sound of things these days, man, my stuff sounds soooo much better for it!

bulls hit

Active Member
God I'm hoping these two will last me for a good while. The kids have to eat. At least that's what they keep telling me, hungry little bstids :lol:


Just sell the kids, spend the money on 2 more UAD-1's, problem solved.

...or just get another two cards and feed two more kids by pro mixes!

I've got three kids and a wife and four cards and no one's hungry. Including myself that's a ratio of 5 : 4 (persons/UADs) - so each card supplies food for 1,25 persons :D
Guess what happens when UAD-2 is gonna be released - no more starvation in the third world!

Oh man, the sun's a little hot today :mrgreen:


Established Member
I don't have any kids, but I did sell two uncles and a grandmother for those cards


I don't have any kids now but I'm working on it :wink:

Because with the new 88RS I need min. one new card to make my DAW a Neve Console and have also the extra candy like 1073...

But I must say BLAME UA!!! You guys are responsible for my bad degrees and my hunger (no time for university, no money for food, because they come up with so much great stuff :lol: )
UAD Bundle Month