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4.1.0 drivers no 64 bit

Dan Duskin

Established Member
how do rumors like this spread? i hear people say 64bit windows isn't out yet everyday for a couple years now... windows began supporting 64bit processors in 1996, and completely 64bit windows has been out since march 28th 2003.


Active Member
its just not mainstream... it's not really a rumour.. more a misconception... I am waiting for UA and really RME. I might upgrade when just RME does the drivers...

until box makers like Dell start putting 64bit windows on their stuff no one will know about it.



azoid said:
I would have thought the 64 bit drivers would be in this update....
When???????? :x
With the whole underlying audio architecture changing soon with the release of the more mainstream Vista OS later this year, I think most companies will be devoting resources to developing 64bit drivers, for it, rather than XP64. I am not sure how long XP64's life cycle will last
once Vista starts shipping anyway. XP64 will probably take a back seat, much like W2K did, once XP started to ship, in mass. I may be wrong, but I don't think we will see 64bit drivers, for the UAD-1, until Vista has at
least gone "Gold". Most likely this summer or early fall. But, then again I could be totally wrong. :wink:


Even if UAD released 64 bit drivers, the plug ins would still be 32 bit. From my understanding, there is little benefit (aside from access to more RAM) by using XP64 at this point.

Not sure when Vista will be ready for DAW work. The initial release will almost ceratinly be a mess and we'll probably have to wait until atleast SP1 to use in a DAW. Plus Vista is reported to be a major resource hog.
I've heard it incliudes a lot of \"features\" running in the background that may interfere with audio work, though I saw this thread that suggest otherwise. All this is just my speculation of course.

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
stonefree said:
Even if UAD released 64 bit drivers, the plug ins would still be 32 bit. From my understanding, there is little benefit (aside from access to more RAM) by using XP64 at this point.

Not sure when Vista will be ready for DAW work. The initial release will almost ceratinly be a mess and we'll probably have to wait until atleast SP1 to use in a DAW. Plus Vista is reported to be a major resource hog.
I've heard it incliudes a lot of "features" running in the background that may interfere with audio work, though I saw this thread that suggest otherwise. All this is just my speculation of course.
Yes, this is talking point I think.

I've had my dual xeon system for over 3.5 years now. ( not bad going conidering I used to uprade my single cpu systems every year ).

I can still get projects done, but I'm increasingly rendering VSti's to audio. Mostly for RAM reasons really. And cpu usage is starting to edge close to the max.

I'm close to being ready to upgrade my DAW. Howevr I feel it's a crazy time to do it right now. I want the next DAW to least at least the next three years. Which means a dual-dual core at least, and they are still too expensive ( for me ) at the moment.

I would also like a 64bit OS, simply so I can access a decent amount of RAM. 2Gb ain't enough, and Cubase SX2 and SX3 have an annoying 1.3 top 1.7Gb memory limit anyway. Which means you can't even use the swap file. :(

Plus there's the issue of UAD-1 cards themselves. mobos with enough PCI slots can still be had, although they're getting rarer. I don't want to jump into a short term solution just for the UAD-1 cards. And what about the UAD-2. It can't be that far away now ( I'd be suprised if we don't see some kind of UAD-2 announcement this year ). Butr what format will it be in? PCIe? Firewire type serial bus?

The other reason for wanting a real powerful DAW is that I want to move on from recording at 44.1 and goto 88.2. I have the convertors, but my current DAW would never run a typical project at that sample rate.

with PCIe, 64bit, and even possibly host programs with 64bit float audio streams, I feel we're entering ( entered ) bit of a transition period right now.

So with all that stuff in mind, I'm gonna hang on in there with what I've got until things start to settle down again, and I know where the land lies.

Dan Duskin

Established Member
the plugins would only be 32bit because of the VST spec and the limitation of the current steinberg software... the audio path of the uad-1 plugins is 64bit, and the UAD-1's DSP is 64bit. so, if Steiny would upgrade to 64bit it should be very easy for UA to follow.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
The XP 64 bit edition is beta software.
My brother has it from Microsoft, and it is a dog.
Another problem is of course that mainstream drivers are not available, most software is not ready, and it's not going to be until Vista hits and gets to SP1 that I go 64 bit.
I need stability over speed, and will let others chase down all the twitches and glitches of the new hardware, chipsets, CPU and OS before I go anywhere near it.

But that is just me being paranoid about downtime.


New Member
cAPSLOCK said:
its just not mainstream... it's not really a rumour.. more a misconception... I am waiting for UA and really RME. I might upgrade when just RME does the drivers...
RME 64bit windows drivers for the Fireface800 are there since months.

Dan Duskin

Established Member
neil wilkes said:
The XP 64 bit edition is beta software.
for AMD yes... for Intel it's been out for over 2 years.

my only reason for posting this is to try and stop some of the rumors like "windows is years behind, they haven't even figured out how to do 64bit yet"... when i read that stuff (not here, but I've read just that on the net many times before) it makes me realize how quickly people assume and agree to rumors and misconsceptions. 64bit amd is new, 64bit intel is older, and 64bit alpha & 64bit mips has been around for a while... thus, 64bit windows has been around for some time now (not speaking of beta, speaking of actual releases!).


Also, I get tired of the \"We'll support it after all the other stuff is mainstream\" idea. Anything hardware needs to be first and go through the beta processes. Otherwise it'll be a year or more AFTER it is mainstream and accepted before we see a usable driver.

I have 64 bit drivers for both VISTA 64 and XP64Pro for EVERY piece of hardware I own with the single exception of the UAD-1. Contrary to the other rumours XP64 is actually a great OS especially for business applications that use large databases. I've had SQL 2005 running on it with a 4gig database for about a year without a single problem, and it outperforms the live version of the same DB on Win 2003 server by about 30%.

But, even if there is NO performance gain to be had right now.......it's coming....don't hide your head in the sand

Dan Duskin

Established Member
sj_digriz said:
Also, I get tired of the "We'll support it after all the other stuff is mainstream" idea.
exactly.... that's what users and businesses should be saying, not software and hardware manufactures ;P

if all the software and hardware manufactures wait for each other to jump on the bandwagon first NOTHING HAPPENS!
Dan Duskin said:
[quote="neil wilkes":3teqv1nz]The XP 64 bit edition is beta software.
for AMD yes... for Intel it's been out for over 2 years.[/quote:3teqv1nz]

A company in the UK is building DAWs with an AMD X2 processor with XP64 so its safe to say that its not beta for AMD.

The AMD Opterons have been around for over 2 years too.

From what I've gleaned it seems as though AMD has always been ahead in the 64 bit race.

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