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4.4 Update=No Audio!!


New Member
I just downloaded the 4.4 software update on my Athalon 64.
Any Nuendo project I open which had UAD plugs already running won't play any audio. The meters on the Nuendo channels or output busses show no activity.
The UAD meter displays some memory usage but no cpu usage.
I have to randomly select a channel with UAD plugs in it, turn off those plugs and re-save the project as a different name.
Then, when I open the newly named project, it works. Also new projects without plugs running work fine.
In some cases, a working project hangs when I try to insert the 33609. I'm not running out of memory either. I have 3 cards running.
I reloaded 4.3 so I could continue working. I've never had a problem with any UAD plugs or updates before and I have almost everyone they made.
Anyone have any idea what this might be or how to fix it?

FYI. I'm running Nuendo 3 on an AMD Athlon 64 with the RME 9652 card and 3 UAD cards.

Eddie Macarthur

Active Member
do you get a version mismatch error message? i had this once after an upgrade. turned out i had installed update into a different vst plugins folder from previous version. this meant i had duplicates of the dll files with different contents but same names.
check to see if you have duplicate dll files, then remove the older ones if applicable.


New Member
Eddie Macarthur said:
do you get a version mismatch error message? i had this once after an upgrade. turned out i had installed update into a different vst plugins folder from previous version. this meant i had duplicates of the dll files with different contents but same names.
check to see if you have duplicate dll files, then remove the older ones if applicable.
I don't get any version mismatch error message.
The VST folder during the install was tha same as before.

Thanks anyway.


Active Member
I had a similar problem.
This happened when replacing a plugin in an existing project (cambridge to precission eq) When instead of replacing I just added it and disabled the cambridge it worked. WIll investigate further later)


same problem. I thought it was due tue my soundcard but I'm not alone so It may be due to the 4.4 installation...
I can add to what as ben written that going in the configuration panel of Cubase and click Reinitialize lead to a crash of Cubase who doesn't respond anymore.... !!!
too bad..


Active Member
entoine said:
same problem. I thought it was due tue my soundcard but I'm not alone so It may be due to the 4.4 installation...
I can add to what as ben written that going in the configuration panel of Cubase and click Reinitialize lead to a crash of Cubase who doesn't respond anymore.... !!!
too bad..
And that too


New Member
Something else I noticed yesterday.
After loading 4.4, the Totlamix and RME card systray icons are gone.
I reloaded the RME drivers and re-booted and they came back. But this morning thery're gone again.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
Nuendo 3.2.1, UAD-1 4.4, RME HDSP 9652, all perfect here.

You could easily be out of memory on attempting an instance of the Neve 33609 - it requires one of your cards to have 70% resources free, better still 75%.
If you have a total system load of 25% with 3 cards, you will not be able to load a full 33609 compressor as you do not have enough resources on any one card to load it.
Look in the plugin instances section from the performance meter & see.


Active Member
no that,s not it! was not when loading a heavy plug here!
Thanks for the thought! The offending plug doesn´t enable in cubase and takes the uad cards and audiodriver with it.
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