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4.7.1 released Good news for Sonar users


Venerated Member

# Support for UAD-Xpander
# System sleep is now supported
# UAD VST to RTAS Adapter is updated to version 2.11
# Resolved \"err=3\" issue that occurred on some systems
# New \"Sonar compatibility mode\" option improves Sonar performance
# Resolved Wavelab \"serious error\" issue that occurred on some systems


I'm very stoked about this release and can't wait to try it!!!

Thanks you so much!

Lay in Wait

New Member
imdrecordings said:
Now, the big question is, will Sonar or Wavelab users be the only people who benefit?
An even bigger question is if this applies to me, the SPE 5.2 user and or a soon to be SPE 7 user. What excatly are the benefits?

I'll go download now and check out the read me.


Active Member
bye err=3, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

No Wavelab or Sonar here and this release greatly benefits me.
That pesky err=3 message is now gone.

Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin
Quite a few SONAR users are reporting crackles and gaps on export with 4.7.1 with the SONAR Compatibility button engaged. Please post your experiences here.


Active Member
My experience is just that...

If I have the Sonar Host Compatablity box ticked, I get garbled mix down, uncheck and no probs...

Sonar 6.2.1
Asus P5WDG2 WS
XP SP2 32 bit
E6600 Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz
RME 9632
2 UAD-1 cards



Matt Hepworth said:
Quite a few SONAR users are reporting crackles and gaps on export with 4.7.1 with the SONAR Compatibility button engaged. Please post your experiences here.

I can also confirm the gapping issue in rendered files with the SONAR mode enabled. I believe UA added the SONAR Compatibility Mode to specifically deal with the native CPU munching during playback. Native CPU munching is not an issue when doing an export of a project. So the modus operandi should be:

1) For those experiencing the native CPU munch, during playback, keep the SONAR Compatibility Mode enabled

2) When rendering, simply disable this option, from the UAD-1 Performance Meter.

It only takes a moment to change the option. I always keep my UAD-1 Performance Meter open (in Always on Top mode) anyway so I can easily monitor & adjust UAD-1 performance, on the fly. If you are mixing and want to do a quick render, just deselect the option, from the UAD-1 PM, after you stop playback and then go tho the SONAR Export dialog. After the render simply re-enable the option and continue mixing. You never have to close SONAR or the project.

I suppose UA should have put in the 4.7.1 readme, that the new SONAR Compatibility Mode is to be used during playback/mixing to alleviate native CPU munching, just to avoid any confusion.

I am just thankful there is now a way to finally get rid of the native CPU munching when playing/mixing a project. This is something I have been asking for since 2003, since I got my first UAD-1 card and SONAR 2.2 was current version. Better late than never I guess.

At least, now you have the option to fully mix with UAD-1 plugins without that native CPU munching BS, during playback.

PS: I even found the UAD-1 compatibilty mode to work in ACID Pro 6, as well. Other than a brief native CPU spike, when you first start playback, it totally eliminates the native CPU munch. This has always been a constant problem (even moreso than in SONAR) whenever mixng in ACID and using more than handful of UAD-1 plugins.

Nice job UA! :wink:


PS: I even found the UAD-1 compatibilty mode to work in ACID Pro 6, as well. Other than a brief native CPU spike, when you first start playback, it totally eliminates the native CPU munch. This has always been a constant problem (even moreso than in SONAR) whenever mixng in ACID and using more than handful of UAD-1 plugins.
Thanks man, this is all I needed to know. I've been pushing my cards lately and getting some major munching and occasional err=3 in Acid Pro 6. I'm going to get the update now.


New Member
I'm still getting the err=3 :cry:

It's only when opening the K2 Player as a VST in Sonar. I've uninstalled it and gone back to using the original versions of GPO and GJBB. They work great. But every single time I open the K2 player, err=3 and all powered pluins crash.

Bummer, I'd REALLY like to use the Garritan Strad violin, tho, and as it's only available on K2 player looks like I'm still waiting on a fix.


HEAVEN - Now all we need is for Cakewalk to get the default settings to come up when a UAD-1 plug's inserted! Oh, and being able to use the scroll whell on the mouse to adjust the the various parameters on the plug (like in Nuendo/Cubase) would be great as well!


New Member
OHOH~~thanks man....

My sonar 6.21 w/ 4.71 driver found the same problems.

so what's wrong with the rendering?

And what exactly the compatibility mode is doing?


fred1996 said:
OHOH~~thanks man....

My sonar 6.21 w/ 4.71 driver found the same problems.

so what's wrong with the rendering?

And what exactly the compatibility mode is doing?
The SONAR compatibility mode in the UAD-1 4.7 driver prevents host CPU munching on systems running SONAR... however... on some systems... it introduces crackling or gaps in the audio of bounces and exports.

So... knowing that this nasty side-effect was introduced by UA during the CPU munch fix of the UAD-1 4.7 driver... Cakewalk put THIS LITTLE GEM in the SONAR 7 Readme.doc:

Realtime Bounce and Multiprocessing (UAD-1 Issue)

AllowOfflineRenderMixThreads=<0>, default = 1

Set this variable to 0 to temporarily disable multi-threaded mixing during a fast bounce operation.

A value of 1 (default) allows multiprocessing during fast bounce when multiprocessing is enabled in SONAR.

This variable can be used to improve compatibility with the UAD-1 v4.7.1 driver running in SONAR compatibility mode. This variable is required because this UAD driver is not compatible with multiprocessing in SONAR’s fast bounce mode.

If you hear clicks in the rendered audio while running with multiprocessing, you should set this variable to 0, under the [Wave] section of AUD.INI. This variable is only applicable on multiprocessor capable PC's when multiprocessing is enabled in Options | Audio | Advanced. For example:


How cool is that? An automatic work-around built into SONAR as a fix for UAs bug!

Cake comes through for their customer base again. :wink:


And now that Sonar 7 arrived, the correct default settings finally come up once a UAD-1 plug is inserted!

Overall, they seem to run a lot smoother...
The shift click and control click features are a lot better as well!

I can insert a plug in while the session's playing and everything is very smooth and seemless... I can also activate/deactivate a plug-in while the session's playing and the results are the same..

Now if the scroll wheel functionality can be added that Nuendo and Cubase users are accustom to....
UAD Bundle Month