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$50 PCIe to PCI adapter


Active Member
This is just what I've been waiting for but it seems that the pci card should be very narrow. I guess we would get problems with uad1 or powercore. I would especially like to use that kind of adapter with my powercore pci mk2 because the price of the powercore express is just ridiculous and TC won't allow their customers to transfer their plugins to the express card. That SUCKS! :evil:


It would be easy to put jumpers in the PCIe slot to leave more space for any card.
I'm just wondering if it's working.

Anybody speak chinese to know how to order these ?


Active Member
UAD-1 cards are not low profile.


Yeah but on my G5 , there is plenty of space on the back of the card , a first gen. dual 2ghz.
Just wondering what it would be like on a Mactel. If they are like mine , there maybe the plastic wind deflector that would come against since it's not a low profile card.

Your thoughts....


Withstanding the environment

Withstanding the environment where the super cow ranch is harsh, it is returned!

This should read:

NOTwithstanding the environment where the super cow ranch is harsh, it returned!

Thought that might clear things up a bit.


Established Member
I think they either need their Babel Fish serviced or it's some random rubbish. Take your pick.


Active Member
Re: Withstanding the environment

Emerson said:
Withstanding the environment where the super cow ranch is harsh, it is returned!

This should read:

NOTwithstanding the environment where the super cow ranch is harsh, it returned!

Thought that might clear things up a bit.
Damn, I laughed at that!! :D


How can you make heads or tails of the DCT-FUTA1 web site? It all looks ... well ... Chinese to me. Anyway, I would be very interested if anyone finds a US source for these. Not seen on eBay yet.

Resonant Alien

Active Member
The operation guarantee with environment and combination is not altogether possible, but the expectation which certainly attaches coloration to your personal computer life,,
It is such a pleasant product. Just the person who understands please buy.
Yeeeahhh, I need a pleasant product to attach some coloration to my personal computer life. Bring in ON babay!

Promptly, the wasteful slot is buried and in you who would like to exhaust
Bury that wasteful slot, ya'll, g'head

That was a good chuckle
LeeSteel said:
How can you make heads or tails of the DCT-FUTA1 web site? It all looks ... well ... Chinese to me. Anyway, I would be very interested if anyone finds a US source for these. Not seen on eBay yet.
Ooppss.. didn't show up at UAD forum for a long term...

Anyway, about DCT-FUTA1 . It's been discountinued.

So, I don't think you can get that easily..
UAD Bundle Month