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A Cubase outputs question


New Member

I'm tearing my hair out at the moment. I'm working in Cubase SL and am trying to route MIDI instruments (synths) to audio tracks so I can then apply the UAD plugins to the sound.

I've managed to route my drum machine through but can't seem to do the same with my other synth.

Can someone please explain the best way to apply realtime UAD FX to external instruments in Cubase as I'm really not sure what's going on and have got my Cubase projects in a bit of a mess with the buses and outputs e.t.c.

Thanks for any help,



Sadly, left this world before his time.
You have to insert the UAD FX in the slots of the input channel to which your external synth's output is routed. Then you also have to disable Direct Monitoring (Devices/Device Setup/VST Audiobay/Direct Monitoring: un-tick this box).


New Member
If I'm doing everything right in Cubase, it sounds as though I need to change the midi settings in my synths? Is this correct?

Sorry if I sound thick............. and stupid.

Carlos Schorr

New Member
With CUBASE (and any DAW), each time you load an virtual instrument, the program creates some track one for each instrument output. Those tracks are audio tracks, so you can process like any audio track. You can insert compressor or any dynamic plugin, and you can send such signals to effects like reverbs, delay, etc.

You do not need any think else just like insert (or send) into the track what you want.

Hope this help. If not, please let me know.

UAD Bundle Month