A Rock tune and a Rap Tune...


Active Member
Hey folks...first time caller, er...poster and I am a recent UAD-1 owner! Here are two totally different tunes that you may enjoy and if you see fit I would always like any input your ears may desire to tell me :)

The rock tune is here > http://www.creativesoundimages.com/mp3/Fire.wav

I just recorded it and mixed it - singer is a tad weak or as we say in the biz unique.

And, here is the rap tune > http://www.creativesoundimages.com/mp3/Determined.mp3

Just did this last week and the Neve Compressor is all over it.

Lemme know what ya think!


Established Member
Singe ron rock is bit weak. Not a bad song though. I like the rap song but I don't like the effect on the rappers voice sounds like a chorus. I would prefer a fatter up front sound. Only my 2 cents.


Established Member
Hey, that rock song singer took me back to the eighties. Sort of English New wave with American guitars 8)

Nice space and depth in your work! Rather poppy way to mix a rap song: the guys I work with all want it more dry and in your face plus a way louder beat... but they are all Dutch so what do they know :wink:

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