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Adding Cubase 4 to my studio..opinions/tips?


Hello everybody,
I've been a Digital Performer user since 1998, then switched to Logic 5 for various reasons, mostly being that I \"had to\" to keep jobs and sessions compatible with studios I was collaborating with and projects I had going on. I upgraded to Logic 6, 7 just to discover that Logic was going to be come a major pain in the back.

Months ago, before Logic 8 release, Logic left me without part of a session I had recently done. Data lost after frequent crashes, no apparent reason even after reinstalling a clean system etc. Easy come, easy go: I moved back to Digital Performer 5.12 and I am loving it.

Since I happen to work with clients who know and use Cubase - even if they only do this without tracking/mixing etc. which is mainly the reason why they come to my studio instead of doing it themselves - I was thinking about purchasing a competitive upgrade to Cubase 4.

I've noticed Nuendo might be good as well if not probably better but it's way too expensive that - pardon me - makes it look even more funny than Logic when it was as high as 1000 dollars (I regret having paid for that expensive necklace key SO MUCH but I understand things like this happen from time to time..).

Logic 8 looks like GarageBand and - I might be wrong - is also close to work and sound like GarageBand. My UAD-1e works perfectly with DP 5.12 but I've heard good things about the whole Cubase thing so..

would you think a competitive upgrade to C4 would be a good thing? How does the UAD-1e behave with it (I've read positive opinions already, on the board).

Does Cubase 4 (like Nuendo) sound better than other DAW applications because of its 32-bit floating point possibilities? I would appreciate if someone can share some knowledge on this because mine is - at the moment - very limited..does 32-bit floating sound better than 24-bit? or at least does it require less CPU work from the computer (I've read this somewhere, I believe)?

I have a PowerMac G5 Dual Core 2Ghz, 3Gb RAM. Motu 828MkII, Digi002 Rack, 1xUAD-1e.

Thanks in advance for any kind of help and also thanks for the incredible amount of knowledge-share I've found on this board already: you don't know but it's really helping me to get a \"heads-up\".

Thank you!


I thought that all native DAW were processing internaly in 32bit floating point (including Digital Performer, Logic, and Protools (native version).
So if I'm not wrong one application has no reason to sound better than an other... if you use the same third party plugins like UAD ones.
I am an user of Cubase SX3 with two uad1 and a fireface and it is very stable and reliable and react extremely smoothly.
I choose Cubase because it is very intuitive and you can make what you want very very quickly, edinting with other daws seems nightmare when you know how fast you could do it on cubase. (I used to work on pro tools and Digital Perfomer)
I hope Cubase 4.1 will be as stable as my sx3 now as I am very interested in the new features.. and plan to upgrade
So my opinion : your problem with logic is maybe a bad luck. I think all the big Daws names are reliable softwares now. I recommend you Cubase for its workflow. For the sound, the sound you record is of the quality of your converters so 24 bits and after that, processing quality is the quality of your plugins (in 32 bits float) ... then it is now a matter of afinity with the DAW. up to you.

(I hope what I wrote is not to confused as it is very late at this time, and I must struggle a little to think in english...)



I had to image-copy and paste as my browser died on me right before posting :)
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