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Advice on 2nd pc


Active Member
My system and the programs I use are listed below. I've been offered a pc for the price of shipping. it's a PIII 1.4Ghz Taulatin w/ 2 40G HDDs. Have no idea how many GB of PC133 SDRAM, has no OS, but I do. I know I'll need to do midi over lan to connect, but do I have any issues with the Hardware/software in my AMD 4400+ and the new box to prevent them from functioning together? All I really want to do is put my UAD card (and a 2nd) in the pci slots. I'm hoping that will kill the cpu munching in Sonar and give me more cpu to run more uad at once- will it? If someone has time to consider this and write a recommendatiuon about this, I'd be very grateful. Thanks very much, Shep


Active Member
Thanks for replying Matt. Through a dozen replys on 3 forums, I find that the pc in question won't help my sitation. If you would, read my magma post and advise. Thanks alot, Shep
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