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AES to ADAT Converters...


Active Member
I know of the Alesis AI-4..they don't make them anymore and are scare on EBAY...

As well, the RME ADI-4 unit is AES-3..Is this compatible with original AES sources?? Plus, it is a tad pricey....

Any other companies that make these convertors??


Active Member
Could be wrong, but I believe tascam made a pretty affordable one... I'll try to find a model #...

EDIT: ahhh, must've been wrong... can't find anything on it. But AES/EBU and AES3 are one and the same, AES3 is just the official standard from which it is derived...


Active Member
coolio..thanx T-Dogg... 8)

I might just have to consider the RME...Damn, those Alesis AI-3's and AI-4's are getting scarce...An AI-3 analog-to-adat was on ebay last nite, brand new listing and someone bought it right spank in front of my eyes with buy-it-now!!! ...There are a few analog-to-adat convertors around, though...
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