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AM2 motherboards and UAD-PCI, are any compatible????????


New Member
I am looking to upgrade from my 939 AV8 motherboard to the AM2 platform (X2 6000 Windsor 3.0ghz plus 4 gigs of memory). Does any one know of an AM2 socket mother board that is compatible with the old UAD-1 (PCI) cards. Seems like no one at all is using this combo. There is plenty of info for 939 socket compatibility but I'm not really finding any info on the net for AM2 compatiblity, I guess everyone is going the intel route after the 939 era. $220 for a X2 6000 Windsor 3.0ghz seems like a good deal though and keeps up with the intels in that price range. Am I going the wrong route here?? Any info would be appreciated.
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