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Annoying UA error w/Digital Performer when disabling UA Plug


Active Member
I am just wondering if I am the only one out there with this issue. I have Digital Performer 4.6.1 on a G5 Dual 1.8 with the UAD-1. Here is the example in situation form: Working on a mix with multiple UAD1 plugs going - I want to use the resource sucking NEVE compressor plug (which I love) but I have to 'disable' the other UA plugs by hitting the 'bypass' button on plug (which is put there by MOTU not UA). So now I have some UA plugs disabled and one UA plug going - my UA Meter is at say 65% but EVERY time I stop play back I get this pop up telling me that I am exceeding the limit of the card...which I am not. Since disabling the plugs releases the cards resources.

I emailed UA and they said that I need to use the on/off switches that are on some of their plugs...which means you have to open up each plug to disable it IF that plug has the on/off switch...not all of them do.

I would hope that UA would address this small issue in a future release or at the very minimun make sure that ALL of the UA plugs have the same 'switch' and in the same place for ease.

If anybody else is having this issue please chime in.



Same here with DP 5.11
If I by pass an instance with alt/click the pci usage stays the same.
If I use the bypass button on the plug , it drops.....

Thanx for the heads up , I didn't notice it before....

Dave Bourke

Active Member
@ cking:

This is by design. The Bypass button in DP acts like a mute. Processing is still going on because at any moment the user may manually unBypass. This ensures that the plug-in will kick in without glitching.

Whereas turning off the switch in the plug-in actually DOES turn off processing.

@ fokof:

Never noticed that before. I'll check it out later.

Kind regards.

Dave Bourke

Active Member
@ fokof:

Alt-click on channel inserts acts identically to clicking the Bypass button in the DP Effects window title-bar for me.

UAD-1 4.5.1, OS X 10.3.9, DP 4.61.

Kind regards.
UAD Bundle Month