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another dumb contest -M-Audio Key Rig V.I. Givaway

Hey everybody-

What the heck, Here is a brand new contest. The winner gets M-Audio's \"KEY RIG\", a VST/RTAS/AU Virtual Instrument that's PC/MAC compatable.

Key Rig is a simple to use \"retro\" VI with 4 modules: Electric Piano, B3 Organ, 70's era polysynth, and even a sample based GM module

And it's a simple contest...The best submission answer wins!!

Q1: What is your favorite UAD plug in, and why? You dont have to own the plug in to answer.
Q2: what is the worst piece of gear you ever useed on a recording. Why?

Bonus Q: what piece of vintage or futuristic gear would you like to see UA do next?

Deadline is midnight of Martin Luther King day. (Jan. 18th)

Good luck!!!
Q1: What is your favorite UAD plug in, and why?
Answer: LA2A - cuz everbody said I have to have it. So I spent a 100 bucks on it and still can't figure out what it does. Damn, I can't hear the beauty in it nor do I understand how to properly use it.

Q2: what is the worst piece of gear you ever useed on a recording. Why?
Answer: My Guitars. Why ? Cuz I still can't play them.

Bonus Q: what piece of vintage or futuristic gear would you like to see UA do next?
Answer: An Roland Alpha Juno Synth PlugIn for the UAD-1. I lent this little beauty to someone and never got it back.

Cheers and thank you Mark for this wonderful contest,


Established Member
Q1: What is your favorite UAD plug in, and why?
Boy, choosing one is tough. I'll say the 1176LN because of the control and character it provides. Not so much that it gets in the way, but enough to give the track some color and attitude.

Q2: what is the worst piece of gear you ever used on a recording. Why?
H&K ZenTerra Modeling amp. UA Modeling old compressors and EQ's? COOL. Modeling Guitar amps? NOT Cool. I recorded a cheap Laney tube amp a week later that blew the doors off of it. I am SO sorry I did not take a DI for Re-amp later.


Hi all,

The Wave L2 plugin for sure (UAD in your post means \"Ultra Awful Distortion\", right?).

My sister. Who tried to sing once. I sold her on Ebay right after the recording session. Never (never) buy such a plugin.

Bonus Q:
The \"Make my song sound great\" plugin, preset \"right now!\".



mark boccaccio said:
Q1: What is your favorite UAD plug in, and why? You dont have to own the plug in to answer.
LA-2A. With just a couple of controls, it's VERY hard to tweak it to sound bad. Heaven knows, I've tried.
mark boccaccio said:
Q2: what is the worst piece of gear you ever useed on a recording. Why?
A Fostex stereo spring reverb I used to own during the eighties. Looked impressive at the time and added generous amount of genuine analog noise to everything that came close to it. Occasionally also those cool Jon Lord style spring "crash" sounds. And audible voltage spikes every time any refridgerator motor kicked on in the vicinity of our house. With these extras, it was pretty hard to hear any actual reverbation happening.
mark boccaccio said:
Bonus Q: what piece of vintage or futuristic gear would you like to see UA do next?
As my avatar says. A Talent Simulator would be very critically needed.


Active Member
Q1: Neve 1081 Could be the \"christmas gift effect\", but I seem to use it on almost everything.

Q2: A Philips DCC player (remember those....?)

Q3: AMS RMX-16 (please)


Established Member
Q1: What is your favorite UAD plug in, and why? You dont have to own the plug in to answer.

Cambridge, because I use it on nearly every channel because of the flexibility of the HP and LP filtering.

Q2: what is the worst piece of gear you ever useed on a recording. Why?

Alesis Midiverb III. I bought it because I didnt know anything, it was cheap, and I wanted some hardware. Even when I knew nothing I knew this thing sounds like total ass.

Bonus Q: what piece of vintage or futuristic gear would you like to see UA do next?

Anything thats not an EQ, compressor, or reverb of which we have plenty. I would like to see a multitap delay (ala PSP 608) or a multimode filter (Fabfilter anyone?) If they make a damn Tape Saturation plug, I swear I'm leaving. :evil:


1. Currently my fav UAD plug is the Neve 33609 - I'm starting to thing Neve is french for \"glue\".

2. Worst gear used for recording? I'd say it was a Alesis MMT-8 sequencer that would crash and completely erase everything if you hit the wrong key combination. Of course it didn't have an onboard floppy so you had to backup to cassette. Thank god for computers...

3. I'd like to see a UAD version of Roland's TR-808 and TR-909 that's based on modelling and not samples. They're analog synths after all...


Active Member
Favorite plug;
Trick question as it's two. The 1073 followed by an LA-2.
Heaven for Vocals, Acoustic guitars and as a cure for darker cymbals all of which feature prominently in the current mixes I'm working on.

Worst piece of gear;
Broken, cheap or intermittent I know of no bad gear when used appropriately. Just last week I used an Alesis micro verb over an AMS rmx16 on a drum track.
The Alesis has to be jiggled to work and the verb sounds are horribly grainy. Just the thing for the track I was mixing.

Next piece of gear;
A verb with similar character to a Lexicon 480,
followed by an Eventide H3000.
Sell 'em as a verb suite with the Plate 140 so I 'd get a break on the second one. After all it's all about me.
Probably our answers weren't satisfying enough and Mark decided to keep the software :wink:

But it's kinda strange he hasn't replied yet. His last post is from a while ago. Hope he's in good shape...

UAD Bundle Month