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Any tips for gating with the PMB?

bulls hit

Active Member
I'm using the PMB to gate a snare track. When I blend it with the original, it's phasing and no matter how I slide it around I can't get them locked together.

Any ideas or tips on this?


Active Member
What host (PDC?)? how are you blending? with the mix knob on the PMB?

bulls hit

Active Member
No, I've rendered the gated track to free up the dsp, and I'm just trying to bring it up under the original snare to beef it up a bit.

When I blow up the wave forms, the peaks & troughs no longer line up consistently


Established Member
Perhaps you need to view the audio as spectral information then. Waveforms are good for checking volume consistency however spectral graphs give you a better idea about the sounds overall \"colour\" with frequency-dependant plots.

Depending on your DAW/audio editor you use will determine if this possible. Sound Forge or Adobe Audition. You can configure most DAW software to open a copy in one of those applications.


Perhaps no direct solution for the problem, but I´d try :

1. Forget about blending the gated and the original parts together. Instead try to use less strict gate parameters, to conserve more of the original (background) sound.

2. Try another gate, e.g. the one from the Neve88RS.


Active Member
What DAW are you using and what rendering technique?
If you render a copy without the PMB on the track does it still come out phase accurate?
If not I'd look at the I/O fine tuning parameters on the DAW.
If the copy without the PMB is phase accorate I'd look at the ADC functions of the DAW.

bulls hit

Active Member
Hey thanks for the suggestions guys.

I'm using a Cakewalk sequencer called GT3. It uses the same VST wrapper as Sonar, so it supports PDC & all. The render is just a standard 'bounce' function to a mono or stereo track.

The original snare track has a lot of kick in it, which I've successfully got rid of and the gated snare sound on its own is absolutely fine.

Maybe it's the way I'm setting the gate - I don't know if there's a 'right' way of doing this. I've muted all the bands except for the low-mid, and I've stretched it to the right as far as it will go to pick up some of the top. I then just adjusted the threshold and attack until I got rid of the kick, and then set the ratio, release, & gain for a nice sound. But it appears to have affected the waveform a bit more than anticipated
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