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Anyone running the Asus P5B mobo with UAD-1?

bulls hit

Active Member
I'm looking to put together a new Core 2 rig based on the P5B Deluxe card (no wifi).

Is anyone else using this mobo with a UAD-1 card, or one of the other P5B variants?

Thanks in advance...

Edit- Could you also specify what brand ram you're using. Cheers


I use P5B deluxe wifi with 2 UAD-1 (core 2 Duo 6400 and 2*512 of Corsair RAM). no problem, exept the 4.4 version wich seems to make bug with older projects of cubase.


Working very nicely here, yet to make room to install my second UAD-1 though :cry:

As for RAM I am using Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX (2x1GB) - slightly overclocked to match 1:1 with the overlocked CPU (a 2.4 GHz E6600 running at 2.7GHz)

I highly recommend the P5B board - the features it has are second to none!

bulls hit

Active Member
entoine - Hey thanks man. Corsair eh? I've ordered some G.Skill, if it doesn't work out, I'll try that stuff. cheers

Drammy - Whhoo. That looks like a sweet setup. Close to what I'm going for myself. A nice gentle overclock I see. I'm planning to run mine stock for a while before winding it up. I've ordered a 6600, apparantly they don't clock as well as the 6300, but you can't argue with 4MB cache.

Other good thing about the P5B is the 3 pci slots


Active Member
I´m also looking for a nice board with at least 3x PCI but PCIe...

But I´m curious if PCIe 1x is enough for future cards, because
it´s as fast as PCI 64-Bit... (500 MB/sec)


I'm not too sure about the overclocking thing - I'd never done it before so I researched a lot before I did it and on a couple of the forums where I did the research I found some people that were reporting stable 100% OCs with the E6600, thats 4.8GHz per core!

I certainly think the E6600 is the best bang for the buck!

Juergen the P5B has 3 PCI and 3 PCI-e solts...

I've actually just ordered a Fireface 800 to replace the HDSP 9632 so that I can free another PCI slot for my other UAD-1, just have to come up with a good excuse for the missus (or slip it in without her seeing)!

bulls hit

Active Member
Yeah It's looking good so far. Only problem is one of the pci slots is totally unusable due to the overhanging heat sink on the video card


Active Member
Oh yes. That´s no good...

Anyone using Gigabyte GA-965G-DS3 ? Has 3x PCI and not this problem...


Active Member
In the process of building one of these now... I went for the regular P5B mobo, and with an ASUS en7600gs video card (silent fanless card with big 'ol heat sink) I 'm still able to fit a 9652 Hammerfall, UAD-1, and Wireless network adapter in there to make use of all PCI slots.

By the time I had called it a night I had put everything together, formatted the drives, and installed Win2003 Server and all hardware drivers... Tonight I'll throw on the DAW software and get a real feel for what it can do. Judging by the speed in which the OS was installed and the lightening quick bootup/shutdown times, its looking to be a monster!

I must also say I'm impressed with 2003 Server as well... I kinda expected this heavyweight, bloated app... But so far, with no tweaks, it seems quite fast and efficient out the box. Doesn't seem to be alot of overhead in terms of extra services eating into my CPU cycles. And best of all, after \"Remapping Memory\" in bios, Windows SysInfo shows 3.947 gigs of memory installed and available! Try that in XP...

--Asus P5B, Intel e6600 core 2 duo, UAD-1, Hammerfall 9652, Asus en7600gs vid card, 4 gigs Corsair CL4 RAM, Windows 2003 Server...

bulls hit

Active Member
That's interesting. The Asus card must have a skinnier heat sink, I'd imagine the slot positions on the boards would be pretty much the same...

I originally ordered an Asus card but they were O/S so I took this MSI thing instead. Fat bastard :roll:


Active Member
bulls hit said:
I'm looking to put together a new Core 2 rig based on the P5B Deluxe card (no wifi).

Is anyone else using this mobo with a UAD-1 card, or one of the other P5B variants?

Thanks in advance...

Edit- Could you also specify what brand ram you're using. Cheers
Running this now and its rock solid and fast. I am using Corsair memory 2GB. P5B Deluxe here. Dual Core 2.13.
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