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Anyone using the \"E\" version of the A8V?

I noticed there are a couple verions of the A8V that have PCI-Express as well as 3 PCI slots (A8V-E Deluxe, A8V-E SE). This would be a perfect setup for me. Is there a reason why I should avoid this? I never hear of people using this setup.

I want to build a system but I want something with PCI-Express so I can stay in the game for a couple years without getting bumped out by not having express.

I use a fireface, and 2 UAD-1 cards. Any other options would be appreciated.


New Member
I would be interested to know this as well, if I can't get my UAD working with my A8R-MVP then I will be looking for a new board...


I am going to buy the \"Asus A8V-E Deluxe\" (Via K8T890 Chipset) during the next 2-3 weeks so I will let you know how the setup is running...
thanks man, I am excited to hear the results. I am soo surprised that there is not more talk about this board. It has the best of everything doesn't it? PCI-E, PCI, and all the other bells and whistles.

Looking forward to your findings. Are you using a fireface or another firewire based card, or multiple UAD-1's?


New Member
ok, I have bitten the bullit, I can't get my A8R-MVP to play nice with the UAD-1 so I have gone and got myself an A8V-E Deluxe. I should have the system up and running by the weekend.

I will let you know how I get on, wish me luck...


New Member
Hi All,

Well, I got an A8V-E Deluxe and set up my system with it (I used sysprep to remove all hardware from windows) and I still had the same problem as with the A8R-MPV (the UAD installed but the UAD-1 meter could not connect to the card). So I had resisted reinstalling windows as I need the system for work...

As the A8V-E had the same problems as the A8R-MPV I decided to swap back to the A8R and reinstall windows, installing the the UAD before any other non essential hardware (GFX, NIC etc.) and the UAD-1 is now working just fine!

Now that it is working the board I would prefer to use (the A8R-MPV got great reviews for performance, has more sata connectors that the A8V-E Deluxe and OC's great) I have no need for the A8V-E so will be returning it, untested with a UAD-1 (sorry I just don't have the time to tear the system down to test with this board)

Of course I have only had the system working for a couple of hours but I will be putting it through its paces this weekend, this could become the board for UAD-1 + Athlon X2 + PCIe...

I hope so anyway ;)
thanks. I am going to have to look more into this board. It looks to have all of the features I am looking for with a ton of upgradability.


New Member
I just thought I would let you guys know that I am still very happy with my A8R-MVP, I can report excellent perfromance with the UAD-1. I did have to get another PCI firewire card for My PoCo (one with the Via Chip...) but that was no biggie, my M-Audio FW1814 runs on the onboard FW with no problems, overall a stable and powerful system.
Anyone using A8R-MVP with Pci soundcard!?

Happy to hear it works well... with Firewire soundcard..but with pci..? and more than one Uad-1? :? whithakay knows perhaps..?


still waiting for my computer - which should arrive next week hopefully.

setup will be:
+ AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ (Boxed, OPGA, \"Toledo\")
+ Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe (Sound, 2x G-LAN, FW, 2x SATA RAID)
+ ASUS Extreme N7800 GTX - GeForce 7800, 256 MB
+ 2 x Samsung SP2504C 250 GB (SpinPoint P120, SATA-II) no RAID
+ NEC ND-4551A Bulk, Labelflash, silber
+ Thermaltake Purepower PST 520 W
+ Chieftec Mesh Series Big Tower
+ M-Audio Audiophile 2496 PCI Audiocard

will keep you up to date as soon as the machine arrives and I have installed everything...
UAD Bundle Month