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Anyone using the new Intel Core 2 Duo yet?


Active Member
The benchmarks for these new processors look real promising. Just want to make sure it works for daw setups before i splash out on it.

Has anyone had any experience with them?


I've just built one and it works and absolute dream.

HOWEVER I am using FX Teleport over GBit LAN to run my 2 UAD-1s.

Once I have upgraded to UAD-1 PCI-e I will put them in the new machine.

But as for the Duo I have OC'ed mine just gently from the stock 2.4 GHz up to 2.7GHz and it is solid as a rock. I have left multiple benchmark torture test running for days on end with any problems what-so-ever. I love mine and would highly recommend it to anyone else!




yes they work fine including a combination of both PCI and PCIe UADs.
we also tested with Poco in the mix as well with a lagre combination of Firewire/PCI audio interfaces.
Lynx, RME, Presonus, M-audio, Focusrite, Frontier, Yamaha, Mackie.

its all good~ the harder part is getting the right conroe mobo.



Active Member
Could you let us know what boards you are running/tested with multiple UAD-1s? I am currently looking at the Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3, but I really really don't want to get into troubleshooting anymore.



Active Member
Cool. Thanks for the replies! I appreciate it.

So what motherboards would you recommend, If money isn't really an object.


I went for the Asus P5B deluxe WIFI.

For me its a personal thing - all my DAWs are on Asus boards as I have never had problems with them. After doing research I also found that the P5B (wifi or not) or the Asus P5W DH Deluxe WiFi are the best for overclocking (one person claims a stable overclock at 100% of the 2.4GHz E6600 on an Asus board).

Although if you are serious about overclocking the X6800 is the only Duo with the upward multipliers unlocked (all other models you can only go down).

Now overclocking is not really my thing. I have never done it before but after hearing what these chips can do I just upped the performance from 2.4 up to 2.7 and it really is rock solid.

I also liked the fact that there are 3 PCI slots on the P5B, plenty of catering for old protocol soundcards and DSPs

I ran the Cubase Fivetower stress test and it ran at 13% stopped and 21% playing, my other DAWs (2.8GHz HT P4) don't get under 80% playing.

Needs good fast memory as well, here is the entire spec for my new lead system:

Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (2.4GHz) processor
Asus P5B Deluxe WiFi (Socket 775) PCI-Express DDR2 Motherboard
Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX (2x1GB)
Thermaltake Big Typhoon 4 in 1 Heatpipe (Socket 939/754/775/478) CPU Cooler
System HD - Western Digital Raptor 36GB WD360ADFD 10,000RPM SATA 16MB Cache
Audio HD - Western Digital Raptor 74GB WD740GD 10,000RPM SATA 8MB Cache
Antec P180 Advanced Super Midi Tower Case - No PSU (Silver)
Antec TruePower 2.0 550W PSU (CA-028-AN)
1 Asus Pci-en7600gs Silent/htd Series 512mb Ddr Pci-e Geforce Video Card
1 RME HDSP 9632 + AEB-8I Expansion board
1 Powercore PCI

+2* UAD-1 (FX Teleported over GBit LAN)

And by the way this thing is almost silent!


New Member
Recommend Asus P5B deluxe for core 2 duo

I've just built a new machine based on the Core 2 Duo 2.6 on a Asus P5B deluxe (also in the Antec 180 case) and can highly recommend it. Very fast and very quiet with a Zalman heatpipe cooler. Early days yet but so far very solid (no overclocking -yet!)

I'm planning to update to the uad-1e and the board you recommended (Asus P5B). I have a few questions, though:

1.) Is there any difference - performance wise - between the less expensive P5B (not the cheapest one (VM version), but the second cheapest one of the four versions) and the P5B deluxe, or is it just the connections / differrence in PCI 16x/1x slots ?

2.) As updating to the UAD-1e AND the new mainboard/core2 is quite expensive, I'm thinking about buying 2x512MB RAM first, and then upgrade with another 2x512 later (same bars of course). Is it possible to run the memory in that 4x512MB configuration in dual mode, or is that only possible with 2x the same bars ?

Thanks a lot for your answers !


The P5B deluxe has 3 PCI and 3 PCI-e slots, WIFI (via external antenna - but no need for PCI slot) and 6 SATA ports. The VM has 2 PCI and 2 PCI-e slots, no WIFI, does not cater for the Pentium 4 Extreme Edition (probably no issue for you), does not have the Chipset heatpipe and has 4 SATA ports.

All four memory modules will run in dual channel mode as long as they are the same make and type...

thanks for your answer.

memory: great :D

difference between boards: o.k., I was aware that there are different connections. I was just wondering if there was any difference in performance between the deluxe version and the non-deluxe version (not the one with VGA).


Ah, I see, sorry - no real difference in performance as such (just fewer optional extras).

I see you have already decided on your set-up - you won't regret it!


Active Member
A little bit off topic...
And a comparation between the pc core 2 to the new Quad G5?


Active Member
I've just spoken to a guy that builds DAW's for a living. And he's told me to hold off on buying the CORE 2 DUO because intel is bringing out a processor with 4 cores pretty soon. They are testing it now at this daw company and apparently it is amazingly fast. There is allways something better right?


Depends how much money you want to spend.

AFAIK the new 4 core processor will cost the same as the E6800 now, so you get 4 cores running at a lower speed than the current top model.

The E6600 is still a very fast processor at a quite reasonable price and it also appears to overclock quite easily for a bit of extra value performance.


Active Member
Herbesh. Have you seen any preformance test comparing the 4 core to the x6800? I'd love to know how much of an improvement it would be.


New Member
bedhoe said:
I've just spoken to a guy that builds DAW's for a living. And he's told me to hold off on buying the CORE 2 DUO because intel is bringing out a processor with 4 cores pretty soon. They are testing it now at this daw company and apparently it is amazingly fast. There is allways something better right?

Core Quad is scheduled for middle of 2007! So if that is soon for you...

I just bought E6600 and it's peachy for this 22hours heaving it :D


Active Member
Yeah. I can't be sure of anything but I've been told it would be avaliable in a month or two. This daw manufacturer actually has the chip for testing right now...


This is one of the reasons I bought a P5B mobo. On the understanding that I can simply slot in a 4 core and it will also work, leaving me with a v fast 2 core that I can use elsewhere...
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