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Attack of the clicks and pops


Hi Everyone:

I've been getting clicks and pops in my Logic Pro 7.1 + UAD projects lately. Right now I'm playing back a song with only 5 UAD plugs, they're only hitting 45% on the UAD performance meter....still the problems.

Any ideas as to what this might be about? I'm using a dual 2.0 G5.

Thanks! ~ MB


Active Member
kaboomer said:
Hi Everyone:

I've been getting clicks and pops in my Logic Pro 7.1 + UAD projects lately. Right now I'm playing back a song with only 5 UAD plugs, they're only hitting 45% on the UAD performance meter....still the problems.

Any ideas as to what this might be about? I'm using a dual 2.0 G5.

Thanks! ~ MB
Are you certain its related to the UAD? G5 users without Uad cards have these same issues if the buffer is set too low. You might try changing this and see if that is part of the problem.


Established Member
2 things to check:

in the uadmeter>configuration; see that 'cpu limit' and 'release all dsp recourses om audiounit bypass' are unchecked.

does it run any better now?



Hey, thanks for the tips, you guys.

I made sure that 'cpu limit' and 'release all dsp recourses on audiounit bypass' were unchecked, but it hasn't solved the problem.

I still get clicks, pops, sluggish playback with dropouts and an \"Error while trying to synchronize audio and midi\" message.

Again, this is with only FIVE UA plugs (3 Pultecs, 2 LA2A's) running.

This is just not working, and I'm about ready to try selling my Flexi Pak.
Any thoughts?

Thanks! ~ Mike B.


Established Member
..and what's your buffer setting of the audiocard?

it should work perfect @ 1024 with the processbuffer set to medium and the diskbuffer set to large.

do the problems dissapear in more demanding projects without the uad?

'Error while sync...' is probably related to other stuff I fear. Mostly a clock error with your soundcard or something like that, maybe caused by missing buffers. If you can't make the problem disapear, call universal audio on their free support line. Their support is actually quite good!

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