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Automation probs in Logic 7.1 with Mackie Control faders...


Hi there...

i recently changed my setup from PC cubase and UADx2 to MAc G5, Logic 7,1 and 2xUAD's apart from the slight performance issuses (AMD crap!) its gone very smoothly...

one problem though, (and im not sure if this should be posted here on a mackie forum or athe logic ones?! but....) when i go to automate a UAD plug lets say cambridge (but have tested around 4 of them and reoccurs) the automation works fine with the VPots, but when i flip the control to the faders to get exact control, the pluge recognises the control for a while and then just hangs and doesnt respond.....very frustrating as the vpots have clicked increments and you can really hear this in the automation on fades etc...so has to be drawn out...

has anyone else had this problem?? and does anyone know who i should approach about it? would like to get it sorted.




Universal Audio
UA Official
Hi Mo,
There should be no problem at all doing this. In fact I tend to test all the mackie control stuff using \"flip\" because I don't like the vpots.

When you say it \"hangs\", does Logic stop responding (beach ball) or does the mackie control stop working? Are there any relevant error messages that come up and/or is the mackie control still showing in the Control Surfaces setup in Logic?


Hi James...

thanks for the reply i really have given you the exact rundown of what happens, basically as soon as i switch to 'flip' the control works for a second and then the plug stops responding, there is no probs with the communication between logic and the control as everything else still works.....the v pots even move the fader in 'mirrored' flip mode just not when i touch it.... i would suspect a problem with the mackie but this ONLY happens on UAD plugs and is working 100% on everything else (logic and 3rd party)

one strange thing is that the faders seems to work for a few increments at the very bottom of there range?? but this is obviously no use....

i have all the latest drivers for your plugs the mackie and latest logic and tiger...and there are no error messages!

be good if we could find a solution to this as it will help our workflow...

cheers Mo


Universal Audio
UA Official
Wow, I am seeing this too (only with Logic 7.x, 6.4.3 does not seem to have this problem). I am also seeing similar problems with the powercore plugins and a few select apple plugins. Can you see if you also see similar behavior with the following Apple plugin parameters (it's not as consistent as with UAD/TC but it does happen):

-delay time

-release time

-release time

-attack time
-release time
-limiting amount *this one barely works at all

Lastly, are any other Mackie+Logic users seeing this? Thanks.


hi there.....glad that your seeing the same problems!

i tested most of the parameters you mentioned and they are 'gappy' and only pickup on sections of the fader.....not as bad as the UAD stuff though !

do you actually work for UAD, as im hoping you can implement chnges to sort this out ;)




Universal Audio
UA Official
I've talk to a few other UAD + Logic/Mackie control users and not everyone has been seeing this with flip mode (they actually had Logic controls and older versions of the firmware, but I can't say if that was a direct correlation to the problem). This is also working correctly in other AU hosts with the Mackie control (DP 4.52 and Live 5) as well as in the VST hosts (Cubase SX, Nuendo, Live 5). I've reported this case to the Logic guys; if I get any more info I'll update.


Active Member
UAJames said:
I've talk to a few other UAD + Logic/Mackie control users and not everyone has been seeing this with flip mode (they actually had Logic controls and older versions of the firmware, but I can't say if that was a direct correlation to the problem). This is also working correctly in other AU hosts with the Mackie control (DP 4.52 and Live 5) as well as in the VST hosts (Cubase SX, Nuendo, Live 5). I've reported this case to the Logic guys; if I get any more info I'll update.
I cannot reproduce this behavior here.



I've talked to you before about this \"Logic': automation problem before on the phone. The knobs to your plug-ins do not respond to Logic's \"controller automation\", once again is it you (UAD) or is it them (Apple, Emagic), I am tired of waiting, and I am not blaming. I just want information, and will check with you directly at AES and then report back to loyal followers.

Thanks, Rich Crawford



Sorry the reply is to rcrawford2@verizon.net

I forgot to mention, I'm in a dual monitor environment, this helped out Altiverb and their staff a great deal. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Rich Crawford


Universal Audio
UA Official
RCrawford said:
I forgot to mention, I'm in a dual monitor environment...
Does it matter which monitor that the plugin is on or if you unplug 1 monitor does it still have the problem?

I have sent 2 reports to the Logic team but I didn't hear back from anyone yet. I'll ping them again and update you with any more info.




No go on either monitor. Knobs just stop working and freeze, blocking Logics midi input in the transpost window.

Thanks, Rich

P.S. This would really be nice to have.



Sorry once again, I meant to say, \"transport\" window.

Thanks, Rich


i seem to have solved the problem ....not sure exact setting it was that helped but i will investigate....

heres what i did...

changed the bandwidth in control surface prefs to 100% and the uticked 'Pickup Mode' i also turned the Fader sensitivity up to 5 in the controller setup page.....i have also upgraded to Logic 7.1.1 and UAD V4.0

i think it was the Pickup Mode that solved it as this was causing problems with my Korg controller and Logic.




Universal Audio
UA Official
Thanks for the update Mo,
I'll dig into this and see if it was the pickup mode change or if it was something that was fixed in the 7.1.1 update.



Yes, uncheck pickup mode in Control surface prefs. Logig Pro 7.1.1 Tiger 4.2.

Thanks Mo, Rich Crawford :lol:


thanks guys

i've also been having this problem with quite a few plugins
using a logic control, as well as with an alesis photon midi controller

i'll try the fix when i get home, thanks for the posts!

kind of frustrated with the bugs being mixed in with all these
new features from emapple :(

i've also noted with logic 7.1.1 and uad 4.0, i get many
more crackles to the point where i've resigned to be old-school
and just bounce all my instrument tracks to audio before getting
down to the nitty gritty of mixing the tracks.

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