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Bad moderation

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Active Member
I saw absolutely NOTHING about what Akis said that was out of line.

And here you come being offensive to Americans and conservatives all at the same time for no reason?

An possible example of bad moderation would be for him NOT to delete THIS thread as soon as he sees it. ;)



locking the thread WAS out of line. there was nothing offensive to americans just republicans who have the same attitude as his (no voice for desent).

i am a conservative american. just not a repug.

Big Harpe

Active Member
I am a Republican from America. What's the problem with that? America is a great country - that's why so many people are trying to get IN not OUT. Also, what is wrong with being a conservative? Who are you to judge others?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Project, the very fact that you had the opportunity to start another thread shows that I did not mute you. I am the one responsible to keep the level of this forum from going down the drain and I act as I think appropriate. I've sent you a PM in the past regarding your attitude in this forum; consider this your second warning.

This is not cubase.net or KVR; this forum used to be known for the quality of the posted material and the constructive discussions and apparently bitching has no place here.

If you want to complain, suggest, request etc., do so, but in a polite manner.

That is a requirement.-


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I should also mention that politics and religion have no place in this forum either, for obvious reasons.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I should let you know that Project asked for his account to be deleted; I respected his wish and did so.
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