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Beasty voice?


Active Member
I'd like to achieve a \"Beasty Boys\"-like chorus and recorded 10 tracks with two singers/shouters in different expressions.
Mic: BPM CR-73, PreAmp: Mindprint En-Voice
Each track got its individual panning and were put together on a subgroup in Cubase SX. A LA-2A is inserted in the subgroup for compacting (it's my favorite compressor for vocals)
We took sharp attention to the rhythm and consonants, so that every take sits in the beat.
But the shouting choir still sounds indirect and not that powerful.
Any ideas?


Active Member
I would rather try to use the 1176LN for that kind of sound, it´s more agressive. Try release fully clockwise, 4:1 or 8:1, start with attack fully clockwise and bring it back until you really can hear the spit hit the mic... :D
This requires a fairly heavy compression and you would benefit of processing the single tracks seperately and then put a LA2A or Fairchild on the group.
I don´t know how the basic sound of the recording is, but if it sounds weak a little lift around 300 and another at 2-3000 would bring precence and attitude to most shouters (Pultec Pro comes to mind :p). It could be a good idea to try to eq before you hit the compressors to get the best effect.
Hope this helps,



Active Member
Don't be afraid to experiment with ridiculous compressor settings!

I've been know to use three 1176's in a row in all-button-mode. Just watch out that you don't rob the sound of all it's dynamics which leaves the sound with no real impact.

For aggressive sounding vocals, there's nothing like the 1176LN IMHO. Select all-button-mode, set the input level so that it occasionally makes VU meter hit the side, and then adjust attack and release to taste (don't make the attack too fast if you want some dynamic left).

Try that on the tracks separately, or grouped as a whole. If I used it on separate tracks, I would still put an LA2A on the group as well, just a small amount of compression to make the sound more come together a little more.

Hope that helps a bit...





New Member
I´ve read that the Beastie Boys record some vocaltracks also with cheap dynamic (cheap!!) mics, this way you can add some tinny \"quality\" which sounds just right sometimes.

Try this: set up a good and a shitty mic very close together, put a popshield in front and get the singer. Watch out for phase trouble.
Sometimes I route the cheap mic to a guitaramp or into some distortion.
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