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Best gate plugin?



I've been playing around with the waves ssl demo, and it has a lovely gate/expander.
can anyone recomend a good gate plug-in that's similar? (or, at least, good). and please don't say the multiband compressor on uad. it's not pratical to use such a heavy plugin as a gate.

thanks in advance.


Have you checked out Cakewalk's Sonitus:fx Gate plugin? Not sure if it's the absolute best, but it is one of the better one's. You can purchase it separately, from the Sonitus:fx suite, for $39. It comes in both DX & VST flavors



Billy Buck


Active Member
I tend to use a combination of manual editting (which is the best kind of gating you can get!) and UAD Gate/Comp. Simple yet effective...



Giles117 DP

Active Member
tapeop said:
oh.. i forgot. i'm intrested in plugins for mac osx only. sorry 'bout that
What Host?????

OSX has 5 different hosts


Please be specific.........As I am looking for a decent gate other then the one with the Waves SSL 4000 Plugin Set
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