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Best Slot for Card Installation


My G5 has \"two open full-length four-lane PCI Express slots\", \"one open full-length eight-lane PCI Express slot\", a 16-lane PCI Express slot that is occupied by the graphics card. Which slot is best suited for the UAD card? Sorry but I don't know much about the meaning of 16 vs 8 vs 4-lane.


Established Member
The UAD runs at x1 speed regardless , however it would be in your interest to stick the graphics card in the fastest PI-E slot.


Thanx, that's exactly what I did. I must say that my main reason behind purchasing this card was to off-load plugin burden from my system but right now I am stunned ... *** WOW *** these are the most amazing plugins I think I have ever heard. I am going to have to go back and re-do every project I have now.


Established Member
I agree since using these plug-ins people have been very complimentary of my work. It's the fact, they make everything so \"musical\" in character and not digital and dry.

As far as I am aware, the different lane types have different speed capabilities defined by the PCI-E specification.



Currently I have my primary video card (running 2 monitors) in the typical slot 1 location. I believe this is the x16 slot. When I originally installed the second video card (not knowing about the lane specs) I had installed it into the 3rd slot to allow air between the cards. Visually, I don't see any difference. This card is only running 1 additional display. I slid the UAD card in between the two into slot 2 which I believe is the x8 slot. Everything is running fine. Would be interested to hear from UA engineering as to wether there is a performance benefit depending on which slot their card is installed into.
UAD Bundle Month