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Buy PCI or PCIe


I want to buy a second UAD card, but i dont know waht is better (i know that they have the same specifications) but looking to the future, what is the best deal? the pci express (my asus dont have pci express i mean) or the pci?..
Can i use a pcie in a pci slot?
Thanks and sorry for my english, im spanish OLE! jeje


First, no it is not possible to use a pci-express card in a pci slot.

I for myslelf plan to keep my PCi uad-1s (and get two additional), stick it in a magma pci chassis and buy a magma pci-express hostcard. So I don't have to buy all new into pci-express but can use it with new mobos.

Well, if ua comes out with a whole new product, that's another story. But for now I think the magma with pci-express hostcard is the route for me.

Best, robi


How many UAD-1 PCIE's could you buy with the money it takes to buy a magma PCIE > PCI? you can build another PC with the money it takes for those! my MB has 3 PCI and 3 PCIE slots. so i would get a PCIE. you can always get a MB with both slot types. :)


A used magma you can find for very little money.

And if one has more pci or pci-express devices besides the uad cards the slot get filled up very quickly.
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