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Calling Guitar Effect Guru's...


Active Member
So I am looking for a nice analog sounding rack mount effects processor that can be foot controllable..I am getting sick of reaching down to change delay settings in between songs when playing live...The rack mount thing is desired cuz I patch it in from the Palmer speaker sim out's, which is the rack...

I checked harmony-central and there are so many I don't even know where to start,...



Established Member
Can't go wrong with an old lexicon. :) Or a Yamaha SPX-90.

There are probably much newer ones that are great, but these are classics I've used for just this application.


Sparky2 said:
So I am looking for a nice analog sounding rack mount effects processor that can be foot controllable..I am getting sick of reaching down to change delay settings in between songs when playing live...The rack mount thing is desired cuz I patch it in from the Palmer speaker sim out's, which is the rack...

I checked harmony-central and there are so many I don't even know where to start,...



Active Member
yeah...I wasn't using my head...I guess I can get a midi-footswitch and use that to control my lxp-5...I guess those Boss FC-50's are pretty good...need a footswitch that can take some abuse...



I guess you know that already, but just to make sure that you keep that in mind: I hate older rack units without spill over delays and also rack units that take a short time to change algorhythms. Even the old intellifex has spill over delays but its really a tone sucker. I use a g-major since i don't need reverb. The delays (spill over and ducking) and modulations are super, it has two switch outputs. The sound is neutral.



Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
If you're looking for analog sound with midi control, you'll probably have to dig up an old Line 6 Echo Pro. Klaus made a great point about spill over delays, though, & I don't know if the Echo Pro does that.


Active Member
This is why I still hold on to good ol stomp boxes...Wasn't there a delay pedal that you could have two delay settings and just cycle through them by stomping?? As far as reverb is concerned, having the LXP on all the time patched through the Palmer post-outs would be fine...


Active Member
..just checked out the G-major board...looks very cool...like the onboard tuner and the patch to connect to channel switching on your amp...very cool 8)

Big Harpe

Active Member
G-Major is a very good effects rack. I own one. I previously used a Quadraverb Plus (1989). It had a warmer sound and a built in EQ, but no tuner. It also had different options not geared specifically for guitar. The G-Major has very decent effects, tuner, comp, and funtionality at a very good price - and it is made for guitar

I use a Tech 21-NYC MIDI Mouse foot controller. No A/C - just a 9-Volt. Very simple yet effective. I recommend both highly.

I did, however, expect the G-Major to have an EQ, Harmonizer and an Auto-Wah, or at least I haven't found them yet.

I use a Mesa Formula PRE Preamp, DBX para EQ rack, Furman Power supply rack, Mesa Stereo 2:Fifty Poweramp - double rack space (all weighs a ton of tone). I run it all in stereo and the G-Major is great for that. Because it is 24 bit I don't use the Mesa effects loops, I just run the stereo signal through the unit and into the poweramp. The Quadraverb is 16 bit and I could have experienced tone problems, so I used the effects loop to get around this. No longer the case. The sound is crisp and biting, but the all-tube Mesa preamp and poweramp still provide fantastic tone.

The G-Major's flangers, chorus, phasers, delays, reverbs, comps, pitch shift, tremelo all sound great and give you different types of each to select and configure.

I use the old Quadraverb with my Yamaha P-80 and get some really great 'Coldplay' keyboard sounds with it.

TC G-Major - very good rack, great price. As Chris Milne suggested to me - be careful with the knobs and buttons. He broke them twice, I haven't. Maybe his was an earlier release because I, so far have been lucky.

Good luck to you!!

Big Harpe

Active Member
Yes sir. All Tech 21 NYC stuff is heavy duty, all metal, bright LED's. Keep in mind that it is only a three button switch though.

Still, the third button allows for you to hold your current patch and scroll before committing the new sound, so you can key up something and switch to it instantly even though it is 5 patches away.

Other footswitches may work better with the G-Major since allows you to turn effects on and off with footswitches, just like stomp boxes. I just prefer the simple stuff on stage. It's still pretty versatile.

Have fun..
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