• Welcome to the General Discussion forum for UAD users!

    Please note that this forum is user-run, although we're thrilled to have so much contribution from Drew, Will, and other UA folks!

    Feel free to discuss both UAD and non-UAD related subjects!

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    Threads posted in the wrong forum will be moved, so if you don't see your thread here anymore, please look in the correct forum.

    Lastly, please be respectful.

Can I use my PCI UAD card in my new Mac Pro/ Please help me

Question not being to familiar with these specs will I have to get a new UAD card for the PCI express slots. I wasn't sure if it was PCI and PCI express if that meant both types of cards could fit. they also mention they can fit long PCI cards too.
any help please clear this up for me. Thanks. Dre'
Some info about these Exxpansion Chassie's

So is their some sort of expansion chassie's that i could get to work with my current PCI cards. I currently have two. My UAD-1 and my Audio card. Will these chassie's work on both of them? In the PCI world in a MacPro


Hello _

I have the same problem and I have just one card UAD-1 on my account for a G5.

For my MacPro, I must buy another UAD-1e, it's clear.
And if this new card is register in the same group that the precedent card, can i keep the same autorisations for the Plugs-in please?


Active Member
fantomas said:
For my MacPro, I must buy another UAD-1e, it's clear.
And if this new card is register in the same group that the precedent card, can i keep the same autorisations for the Plugs-in please?
Yes, it works like this. Register both cards to the same group and use all the plugins on both of the cards. After registering the PCIe, you also could sell the PCI one as a Project Pak and keep the licenses on your PCIe.
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