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seems like when i am in digital performer and i have about 75-80% loaded on the uad-1 my DP CPU freakes out. as soon as i take 1 plugin off of the card and reduce the meter down to say 70-72% my DP CPU shoots back down to 25-30%. why is this happening?

i have a dual g4 1.42 (mirror doors) mac and 2 gigs of ram. running os 10.4.8 and DP 5.1.1 and UAD-1 4.5.1


New Member
I use DP as well. I am running version 5.1 and have the same problem. I think it's related to the UAD-1 card issues with the PCI-X slots.

I have heard something about the card overloading faster in these machines to the point where it transfers it's processing load to host processor in your G5. And because these plugins are optimized for the UAD-1 chip and not the G5, it totally overloads your comp. At least this is my theory from what I have read. I think PCIe does not have this problem... something about the PCI architecture there being \"closed\" where it won't transer loads like in PCI-X.

Regardless, I have the same problem you are having but what's interesting is that when I use certain plug-in combinations, I am able to get above ~75% on the UAD-1 meter. I haven't taken particular note to what these combinations are but I have heard that using a lot of the \"optimized\" plugs, aka the \"SE\" versions of say the Neve 33609 or whatever it's called.

Anyway, I am getting the feeling this is just something we are going to have to live with, unless the UA folks are able to write a patch that compensates for this. I might just buy more cards because I love the sounds so much!

Richard Hunter

Active Member
my bad, but fleadom might be experiencing this prob if he has a pci-x g5. anyways, be sure to load balance your plugs correctly, and be careful when placing the plate 140 it can cause problems. Roll back to an earlier version of UAD software. repair permissions. try swapping the location of your card in the machine. have you added new ram to the machine lately?

could be so many diff. things...


Richard Hunter said:
my bad, but fleadom might be experiencing this prob if he has a pci-x g5. anyways, be sure to load balance your plugs correctly, and be careful when placing the plate 140 it can cause problems. Roll back to an earlier version of UAD software. repair permissions. try swapping the location of your card in the machine. have you added new ram to the machine lately?

could be so many diff. things...
When you say "be sure to load balance" what does that mean ?? I´m not the one who controls how much CPU power is going to be used on the cards...

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