Does anyone else experience these?
It's not a UAD CPU or memory overload problem - perhaps more of a PCI bus type thing, but every now and then a project that I'm working on in Cubase will 'stutter' quickly for 2 seconds, and then I get an error message similar to the one above.
Once the cards have given up, you can restore functionality by quitting back to desktop and un-ticking/re-ticking boxes in the UAD-1 control panel and then restarting cubase, but very often it seems to be at a point where if it's done it once it's very likely to do it again - until you 'swap about' some of the plugins.
I'm guessing it's a combination of native plugins, Cubase, UAD-1 and Powercore all wedging into a bottleneck for some reason, with the UAD-1's giving way first....
..but if anyone has a more definitive reason for why it happens then I'd be grateful!
Ta -
It's not a UAD CPU or memory overload problem - perhaps more of a PCI bus type thing, but every now and then a project that I'm working on in Cubase will 'stutter' quickly for 2 seconds, and then I get an error message similar to the one above.
Once the cards have given up, you can restore functionality by quitting back to desktop and un-ticking/re-ticking boxes in the UAD-1 control panel and then restarting cubase, but very often it seems to be at a point where if it's done it once it's very likely to do it again - until you 'swap about' some of the plugins.
I'm guessing it's a combination of native plugins, Cubase, UAD-1 and Powercore all wedging into a bottleneck for some reason, with the UAD-1's giving way first....
..but if anyone has a more definitive reason for why it happens then I'd be grateful!
Ta -