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clicks in bounce to disk


this might be old news, might be new news. tried using the precision limiter on a track. sounded great. worked realtime perfectly. however, it introduced some clicks when i bounced to disk. i haven't had much time to troubleshoot. in this instance, i threw in an L3 instead just to get it done. worked fine. but the bounces with the precision limiter instead of the l3 had little clicks. i'll try the update to see if that fixes anything. is this something in my machine only? widely known? i'm still learning the limits of my new computer, and have not troubleshot this much. i'll try it again after i do the ua update, and the g5 firmware update. don't know what that will change. any thoughts?


Try setting the buffers in your sequencer app to it's highest setting and see if that helps. I sometimes get clicks exporting from SX at low buffer settings but at full it's fine.


Universal Audio
UA Official
Also, if you application supports a \"Realtime\" export bounce instead of offline, choose that and you should be free of clicks. Raising your hardware buffer should help as well. An interesting test would be to see if you get the same results if you choose Built-In Audio as your hardware before you bounce (instead of using your regular soundcard).



I get clicks in the beginning of an audiofile just playing (and realtime/offline bounce). Sometimes its is very loud, sometimes softer, sometines not there...
Higest/middle/lowest buffer, different settings/disabling cards.... but have not tried the internal soundcard yet (but happens both with L6/7, waveburner, HDSP 9652 and Fireface)

If I remove Precision Limiter the click/bump disappear.

(Just wrote another post about dropouts...)

Pelle Fridell

G5 2x2, 1,5gb
Logic 7/6


hey, i was using DP4.5 the realtime use of the plugs works totally fine. only the faster than realtime bounce to disk in DP did i hear some clicks. i was only messing with a stereo file from a dat, so i was trying to knock it out more quickly. most of my multi tracked music projects involve outboard gear and therefore, i usually use this stuff realtime. other than those clicks in btd, the plugs are working fine here.
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