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Closet Thing to McDSP AC1 for VST??


Active Member
So opinions?? What comes close VST wise?? The cool thing about the AC1 is the mixed stereo-mode thingy where it process left and right channels of a stereo track independently..


Active Member
Since AC1 is used as analoge mixer emulation I would say Colortone by Tritone digital would be the thing to get the warming.


Active Member
Thanx Eric! ... Seems like quite a few people think this Colortone is pretty cool...Gonna try it...Prolly a big CPU hog I'm thinkin...



Active Member
Sparky2 said:
Thanx Eric! ... Seems like quite a few people think this Colortone is pretty cool...Gonna try it...Prolly a big CPU hog I'm thinkin...

It is really, really cool imho.. I am doing all my mixing still through the AC1 because the multi-mono is making a difference for sure. But that doesn't keep me from loading the Colortone on tracks or groups or even on the mix buss. There are many impulses of some great gear posted on the Tritone forum and you can adjust each impulse to taste as well... Options galore..

If you would only use Colortone on the mix buss (like the AC1) then the CPU hogging is no issue. On tracks I use the freeze button a lot...

Good luck !


Active Member
Yeah...I recently had my eyes opened to mixing from the start with something like this on the master bus...seems like this is standard practice on ProTools with the AC1...

I have Colortone installed and authorized..just need to download some of the IR's and I can start on this new adventure ;)

Thanx again

The first thing on my mix buss is the color tone with the SSL IR loaded. it does a really good job. I use also a lot of DaD Valve and Massey tape head.
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