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Computer dilemma

peter a

Hi Guys,

Sorry for bringing up such a boring and sort of non mosic related question :oops: But anyway, here it is:

My older laptop pc(Intel PIII/winME) became useless some time ago and I haven´t been able to cure it. The problem is that it will start up - but that´s it! Even though there is plenty of memory left on the hard drive, it claims that there´s \"not enough memory for that operation\" (or similar). Hardly no programs at all can be run. I can open really small text documents and go out on the net, but after a while it gets really sluggish and needs to be restarted. It won´t let me do a virus scan, not even from the net. When you look around in different folders and locations on the computer, all files are still there. It´s just that most of them can´t be opened :cry:
Someohow this doesn´t sound like virus to me. And if the hard drive broke down, would the computer still start up? And would I still be able to open the folders and view their files?

I would be really thankful if anyone could share some insight on this!
I know I haven´t a clue...



Why don't you just save your important data to an external hd/cd-r/dvd-r and try it a fresh installation of XP...? Probably you won't do that much audio on this old machine, but for surfin' it should work, won't it?
This sounds like windows is full of garbage files which automatically happens when working with the OS over time.

peter a

Thanks marQs,

That´s probably the best thing to do. No use fighting against the unknown, I guess... And it would also give me the opportunity to install XP instead of the old ME, so maybe it´s a blessing in disguise :wink:

Thanks again!


Dave Bourke

Active Member
I'm a Mac user. On various cross-platform software forums that I frequent I've read that Windows installations become more and more sluggish over time. The only solution, apparently, is a system reinstall. Go figure.

Kind regards.

peter a

Thanks David!

I´ll give it a shot shortly. Odd thing though, is that the system didn´t gradually become more and more sluggish, it just went from working flawlessly to not working at all over night. Weird...

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