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Cubase 4 and percision limiter..

I was doing a mastering job today (or trying to ) and I ran into a bit of a snag with cubase 4 and the percision limiter. Basically the file would not render and I'd get a message that there was an error durring file export! I narrowed it down to the percision limiter after about an hour of fooling with it. every other plugin that was used would work, but the minute I enabled the PL it had the error.
Any other people using C4 and percision limiter? if so do you have any issues with it on the mix buss and exporting files?
I'm also having problems with UA plugs taking several seconds to respond when I insert or enable them, completely freezing the system until they finally do respond! other plugs are not acting this way.
It could be unique to my system, but I am also wondering if I sould go back to an earlier software version.
intel core2 duo 2.4ghz
asus p5b deluxe
asus Geforce PCIe video
2gb ram
windows xp home sp2
all latest patches for all software and hardware.
This is a brand new system so I am still working through some things... fortunately the client was not present ;)
Thanks guys!

bulls hit

Active Member
Does C4 have a fastbounce option when exporting?

If so turn it of so the export is done at playback speed. This may help


Hi Norm,
the timegap is a latency compensation issue in my understanding , the more UAD´s ppis are hardware driven and add a PCI-bus delay. C4 needs more time to adjust this during playback than SX3, that´s right.

The first mentioned problem does not exsit on my system, all fine.

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