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New Member
I just installed a new flexi-pak card and software. This pak is supposed to include Nigel, Channel Strip, etc. But No plug-ins show up in Cubase. UAD tech support is no help, they tell me I need to scan for new VST plugins in Cubase, but I can't seem to find that feature. How do I get these to show up?



Venerated Member
marQs said:
Cubase scans for plugins on every startup. They should appear automatically. Tried to simply de-/reinstall the PoweredPlugins?
I agree. Make sure you are installing them into Steinberg's "VST" folder. If not, copy and paste them there... When Cubase is up and running look for "Powered PLugins". They are not called UAD or Universal Audio.
hope that helps


I think you must do this to solve your problem :

In cubase, go in the \"peripherique\" menu (maybe \"devices\" in english), then in the \"information about plugin\" (I guess it is that in english... ), in this window, you've got a line with \"shared vst plugins folder\", and a button \"add\" next to it... click on it and add the \"vst plugins\" folder in the \"steinberg\" folder (in program files). (not the vst plugins in the cubase sx folder).
then restart cubase, you will see cubase scanning the new plugs (uad ones)

I had the same \"problem\" than you and I guess it is the same cause.. by default, cubase don't \"take\" the plugins of the Steinberg vst plugins folder...


Venerated Member
entoine said:
I think you must do this to solve your problem :

In cubase, go in the "peripherique" menu (maybe "devices" in english), then in the "information about plugin" (I guess it is that in english... ), in this window, you've got a line with "shared vst plugins folder", and a button "add" next to it... click on it and add the "vst plugins" folder in the "steinberg" folder (in program files). (not the vst plugins in the cubase sx folder).
then restart cubase, you will see cubase scanning the new plugs (uad ones)

I had the same "problem" than you and I guess it is the same cause.. by default, cubase don't "take" the plugins of the Steinberg vst plugins folder...

"cubase don't "take" the plugins of the Steinberg vst plugins "


If you have done a "normal" complete install, all Steinberg products, reference third party plug-ins from the C: Programs/Steinberg/VST folder.


just to add. I always do a \"normal complete\" install to avoid such problems but encountered the problem anyway... it seems to me weird too that cubase didn't take the vst folder but that was the case... and obviously I'm not alone..


Venerated Member
entoine said:
just to add. I always do a "normal complete" install to avoid such problems but encountered the problem anyway... it seems to me weird too that cubase didn't take the vst folder but that was the case... and obviously I'm not alone..
Maybe it has to do with installing UAD first, before Cubase.. just a guess.
Strange anyway. Gald to see it worked out.



Sadly, left this world before his time.
I've had the same problem when I installed Nuendo in the past. I don't remember if it was the last time with the last update or a previous one, though.
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