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Delay in uad proccesed signal ...



I'm using 2xUAD-1 under a a G5 DP2.0 system and I realized that after inserting two o more plugins on the same channel , (an input channel that receives audio signal from an external synth).. I hear some delay since I press the keyboar until I heard the sound. If I deactivate two the two insert.. everything sounds ok.
Why is this latency? My system latency is 6ms, and with this latency I work perfectly with my PIV+uad.
Is it necessary to change come of the config of uad control panel?
Thanks for your help


the latancy is the time it takes to stream the signal to the pci buss and back.if you use a 6ms buffer it will add 6ms to the buss 6ms back. total 18ms or adds 12ms to the signal chain .uad-1's should not be useed on inserts in real time . will


I don´t feel that delay using my PIV...
Do you know if there are any special settings for G5 under UAD CONFIGURATION software?


Active Member
what is a PIV?


Active Member
Oh Ok. Cant speak for those chips but what they previous poster told you is accurate.

Dont know your set up on the P4 system.

But there will always be latency on a live input to the UAD or powercore.


Universal Audio
UA Official
This is correct, the latency from 1 UAD-1 plugin is going to be double your hardware buffer (either in samples or ms). I'm not sure why you would have less latency on a pentium machine...


I forget to mention that this delay is using Logic 7 under G5 dual system. And is increased with each plugin I put on the insert channel..
Is it due to the logic bug about fixed 1024ms of latency for UAD cards?


I know, but I'm talking about an insert. I think that there is not compensation needed when you play \"in real time\"..


New Member
There is at least the time that the computer process the signal, it means : audiocard processing delay (64 samples in best case) + dsp card processing delay (64 samples in best case) wich means at 44100hz about 10ms between the sound enter, be processed and go out to speakers.

Il logic 7 is like protools le 6.7, you will have this problem to compensate the delay of plugins by the uad delaycomp plugin.


Active Member
Logic7 has PDC bilt in, I just mixed a 17 trk song with UAD all over the place.

Logic has a delay issue when montioring live input (like most DAW's) Although I think it is more irritating in Logic.

I find using DP4 that the issue is non-existant (of course I have a PCI-424 Card as well that logic does not take advantge of the bilt in DSP. CuBase SX3 does however. :) )


Active Member
Logic Pro 7 does have PDC, but not full PDC

Audio Tracks and Audio Instrument Tracks have PDC, Busses, Aux and Outbuts don't have PDC.

It's not true to say it does not have PDC, but it is true to say it does not have FULL PDC


Active Member
esencia said:
I know, but I'm talking about an insert. I think that there is not compensation needed when you play "in real time"..
there is no compemsation on INPUT INSERTS

this falls into the the buss catagory


Universal Audio
UA Official
Just FYI, there can't be delay compensation on an input (like if you were playing in real time). There is no way for it [DAW] to know ahead of time what you are playing in order to compensate for the latency [unless it's the new DAW from miss cleo :)]. If you want to realtime record through a UAD-1 plugin, you will want to set your hardware buffer as low as it can go (for most this is 64). This will give you a latency of 128 samples for a UAD-1 plugin, which for almost everyone, is barely noticeable.


Active Member
What would be the down side to lowering the latency buffers down to 64, instead of the recommended 1024 :?:


Universal Audio
UA Official
Mainly it would give you a much higher host CPU load across the board (not just from the UAD-1 plugins). Also, on many (usually older) systems, this can cause unstable playback/recording because the buffer sizes are so low. In most modern systems, a hardware buffer of 64 is do-able. You can track at 64, then mix at 1024. This was everyday practice back in the early days of digital recording, and still applicable today.


That´s what I'm doing under cubase Sx3 or DP 4.52, but under Logic 7 even when you set the audio latency at 64kb, you obtain a 2048 latency in UAD-1 too much latency!
I think that James from UAudio told me that it was a Logic issue that is not yet fixed and the fix should be done by apple...


Universal Audio
UA Official
Logic handles audio buffers in a very *interesting* way. Basically it has 2 types of buffer sizes. When a track is \"live\" (selected either in arrange or mixer) it is using the set hardware buffer for it's I/O buffer size. However, when a track is not \"live\" it uses the process buffer setting for it's size.

The snag here is that Logic's engine is running our plugins at a buffer of 1024 all the time :-( It's something Emagic is working on, so it should be resolved in a future update. When working with live input monitoring or VIs though, lowering your hardware buffer will lower the latency on these things...so you can still get a lower latency for tracking this way.


UAJames said:
Logic handles audio buffers in a very *interesting* way. Basically it has 2 types of buffer sizes. When a track is "live" (selected either in arrange or mixer) it is using the set hardware buffer for it's I/O buffer size. However, when a track is not "live" it uses the process buffer setting for it's size.

The snag here is that Logic's engine is running our plugins at a buffer of 1024 all the time :-( It's something Emagic is working on, so it should be resolved in a future update. When working with live input monitoring or VIs though, lowering your hardware buffer will lower the latency on these things...so you can still get a lower latency for tracking this way.
is it a very hard thing to fix? This problem has been related since 6 version.. :(

Do you know if there is any alpha/beta of logic 7 including some of these fixes?
Does Apple has pronunced about any estimated date?
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