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Delay Problems, precision multiband


New Member
Trying out the demo for Precision Multiband. All other UAD plugs work fine,
but when I try the Precision Mulitband, I get a long delay in the sound.
Happens even with no other plugs on that track.

1@ UAD Version 4.5.0
Sonar 6

Is this a known issue?

Thanks, would like to demo this thing before the sale ends.



It sounds like the delay compensation parameter is not enabled. Have you visually checked the VST properties for the PMB? Use S6's Plugin Manager to locate, verify and enable if need be.


Billy Buck


New Member

Thanks, that wasn't actually it, but it suddenly started working ok. Maybe I needed to reboot or something? Guess I should have tried that first!

Thanks for the help!
UAD Bundle Month