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digidesign Magma?


New Member
Hi All
Just wondering if the digidesign 64bit 7 slot magma, can be used with a standard PC running SX3 and 2 Uad-1, or if this magma was strictly a pro tool magma.
Michael :)


Active Member
\"The UAD-1 will run in its normal 32-bit PCI 33Mhz mode and will pull the PCI-X bus to this speed for all cards on the same bus. Therefore, on machines that support multiple PCI or PCI-X busses, it is recommended to use the faster bus for audio cards or cards that specifically support higher speed modes and the slower bus for the UAD-1.\"

From: http://www.uaudio.com/support/software/UAD/tips/G5.html

I don't know how or if it effects the 64bit Magma, but I have installed two UAD-1's in a 64bit Magma with a protools HD rig before and it seem to work fine.


New Member
THanks Demetrious
I'm not running a mac but it sounds like it should work on PC as well.
Would hate to be wrong i've made costly mistakes before.
Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject.
Michael 8)
UAD Bundle Month