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Digiface/3xUAD issues


New Member
Going nuts here..... ('puter specs below...)
Recently swapped out a Motu for a digiface. All is great, but have been through a bunch o' issues when using the UADs. First off, there was a terrible crackling/noise issue when I'd put a UAD card in slots 4 or 5, which would ultimately have to happen due to sharing, etc... RME +1 UAD=good....+2 UAD=good... add the 3rd UAD and all hell breaks loose! Well, oddly enough, it seemed to calm things down if I check the AMD-8131(??) mode check box in the UAD config panel. Odd because I'm using Xeons... Anyhow, whetever... it works.
Now the issue I can't seem to get around comes when trying to use all 24 ADAT outs of the digiface while using UAD plug ins. If I sum in Nuendo and come out stereo, all seems to work fine. But if I try to come out 24 tracks out of Nu into the 02r96, I get clicks, etc (almost sounds like clocking issues) all over and randomly. More so as I add more plugs. Now, it doesn't seem to be a clocking issue because all works great w/out any UAD plugs running. And no matter what I set the clock to (Apogee, RME, 02r96) it's the same (well, as far as clocking issues go.) Seems to me like a bit of a PCI bandwidth issue, but I could be wrong. I've tried all sorts of various slot config and swapped all the cards around more ways than I care to count.
Any insight, help, etc. would be greatly appreciated, and I hope my explanation of my issue makes sense.
Specs below.....
Thanks in advance!

2x Xeon 3.06, 1GB Ram
RME Digiface
3x UAD-1
Nuendo 3.1.1


Hi Ryan,

Maybe you have to set the PCI latency different.
The videocard is often set to 255 and should be <= 64
The Digiface should set to 255.
DSP cards 64 or less.

There was an article in Webzine about this not so long ago.
Cannot give you exact links (on tour) but a program called Doubledwag(??) of Knut ...., helped me a lot of the right setting.

Maybe someone can give the right name and links.

Hope it helps.



New Member
Thanks for the tip! I'll check out and mess with the settings when I get to the studio in a bit. I think I can adjust the pci settings in the bios, but I'll have to check it out.
I know I have it narrowed down to a pci bandwidth issue.
I've been testing with 24 tracks (1k sine wave) playing to 24 outputs of digface into 02r96, and recording 24 inputs (02r channels direct out back into digiface) All is fine playing 24 out, recording 24 in, and uad meters up to roughly 50%, but when I push the uads more, and with all 24 tracks of I/O going, the clicks start popping up in the recorded tracks.
Anyhow, nothing like having to tweak settings and wasting time when I need to it work to make a living! Argh...
It will be worth it (I have to keep telling myself this, lol!)
Thanks again,


New Member
Sweet! Thanks for the links!
Tried it a bit, and haven't found the right combo yet. Seems to have a tad more throughput so far though - less clicks when pushed harder.
We'll see how it goes...
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