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Disabling unregistered plug ins


New Member
I've recently bought the UAD project pack, so have the minimum selection of plugins. I doubt I'll be buying licences for any of the other plugins and wonder if its possible to disable the ones I don't use so they don't show up in my sequencer plug in list- its quite a long list to scroll through.
I use Digital Performer 4.6.




Active Member
chrisblytheuk said:
I doubt I'll be buying licences for any of the other plugins
I can't imagine, you will not buy any of the high quality plugins at a later point... what plugins you bought your UAD for? Just curious... :roll:

But depending on your host software, you can just deactivate the plugins you don't want to show up in your sequencer anymore.



Active Member
Man, Holly is right!
The plug ins that come with the project pack are nothing in particular.
Just curious.. Did you try out the demos?


New Member
I've not tried all the demos out, just the Dimension D (which is nice!), but I'm on a budget and not producing anything commercial. The plugins on the project pack are making a difference to my mixing and mastering, so I'm pleased to bits so far. Maybe in time I'll be tempted!
I guess I'll delete out the plugins I don't want for now, and can always clean install the UAD software if I decide to take the plunge!
Thanks for your comments though, much appreciated



Active Member
the whole point to the UAD are the Cool plugs

If you dont have those, whats the point. I can see skipping the roland stuff.. but



Active Member
I also deleted some unused plugins once and didn't have any problems, but I remember, someone mentioned on this forum it is better not to deleted them, but tell your sequencer just not to show 'em anymore. It has the same effect: your menues aren't cluttered anymore... So just try this! What is your host program?



Active Member
IMO the project pak includes 3 good plugins which are:
-Realverb Pro
-Pultec Eq

I have deleted the rest.

I don't use this reverb much because I have powercore but if you want psychedelic effects or weird small spaces then the realverb is good. Pultec we all know. The 1176SE is good and when you feel that you need something better, buy the 1176LN, LA2A or Fairchild.

My Project Pak came with LA2A (promotional offer) so I don't need to buy it anymore. I bought Fairchild which is great. Next purchases will be Roland Dimension D and 1176LN.

But yeah, I would buy some of the better plugins to get things going.
UAD Bundle Month