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Downsizing Magam 4-slot Chassis


Active Member
Today i finshed a project i had been thinking about for awhile.

I had wanted to create a very portable mix/overdub system. Something that would fit into 2 briefcases.

I started by purchasing an AMD64 based laptop.
I then bought a used 4 slot Magma Chassis on Ebay. When I received it, I found it was way too big and heavy. Not what I had in mind for portability.

I opened it up, took some measurements and realised I could cut about 3/4 of the size by transferring the cards into a new case.

I did alot of searching and found a case made by PACTEC and ordered it from Newark. It was 9.25X3.69X8.50. And would be a perfect fit for the cards.
The cool thing about the 4-slot magma case, is that the whole Cradcage can eb easily unscrewed, and coem sout in one piece.

Next problem was the powersupply. In my search for a case, I ran across special ITX power supplies made by Ituner. The PW-70A is a power converter that plugs directly onto the Magmaboard and uses an external 12V powersupply.

I also bought a Pentium Heatsink with Fan, threw away the heatsink, and used the small fan for case ventilation.
I also drilled some holes under the UAD-1 cards in the case, for ventilation. I set the fan to blow in air, so it forces the hot air out through the holes in the bottom.

Everything was a perfect fit, and I now have a kickass 4-card Magma system that is small, lightweight and easy to move around.

Here are some links to the parts I used:


Power Converter



Active Member
Good work, if I were more mobile I would definatley be following your leed on that!





Active Member
Confusionator said:
Would this solution work by buying an OEM product from MOBL, like those shown at: http://www.mobl.com/expansion/oem_products/? I imagine one could buy the 4-slot interface and just plop it in to the case described above.

If so, that would be truly awesome.
Yes, I think you could.
I was initially looking at that option, but was able to pick up a used chassis for a bit cheaper.
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