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DP4.6 + UAD-1 = Spikes


New Member
I'm haveing a UAD problem. If I open too many UAD plugins...(more then 3 or 4) the audio sputters and the CPU meter pulses and spikes. The UAD meter goes over 100%.
They say there are 1000's of DP4.6 users and no one has reported this problem.
I have 2 gig of ram I would think thats enough, NO?
He suggested I use built-in-audio output instead of my PCI 424 card and see if that stops the problem. I'll try that but I need a long trem fix, fast.

my sys
G5, OSX 10.42 tiger, dual 2.7, 2gig ram, one UAD card, one MOTU 424 card, two MOTU HD192's.

Should I add more ram?
Buy another UAD card?
Any suggestions?

Also many of my plugins have no presets, should they?
I read another post about bownloading presets at their site but couldn't find any.



Active Member

try to disable the inputs from the pci 424 console.

see if it works



Universal Audio
UA Official
Yiannis gives good advice. Any I/O that you do not use should be disabled in the MOTU PCI console. The 324/424 reserve PCI bandwidth for audio channels, even if they are not \"active\" in the DAW application.


Have you had any luck? I have a similar setup [only firewire for my MOTU interface], and it works like a dream. I'm using more UAD plugs than ever.


Active Member
I've been experiencing this same issue....

Got a MOTU 896HD and 4 UAD-1s (DP 4.6); have had the CPU OVERload since day one.
I can't get the UAD meter pass 60%!!!!
And I have 4 cards. =(

Once it gets to 60% the CPU goes into red and things stop.
Even when keeping it below 60% there's some serious load on the CPU.

Help please....


Universal Audio
UA Official
hey demonsp,
Next time you see this happen, in the UAD-1 Meter go to File>System Info (or just apple+I, like get info) and it will show you the DSP loads and such for each of the 4 cards. Is DSP load spread pretty evenly across all 4 cards?


Active Member
Extreme apologies.

So Sorry UA James for taking so long to reply;

Have moved houses, changed jobs, etc ,etc.

When this happens all cards are showing same loading, THOUGH sometimes one becomes offline.
This I have noticed.
(as if it gets turned off)


New Member
If you go the http://www.unicornation.com you'll find that many users have this problem. The solution isn't easy. For me it helped to get rid of Dashboard in Tiger (there is this Terminal formula for this).

Getting a Mac without the AMD PCI bus made all the difference in the world. I'm without spikes now...

There are several more suggestions on unicornation.com.

Good luck,



Active Member
Thanks Gmarcel! =)

I'll have a read over @ unicornation.
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