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DSP clock speed variations



I have 2 cards one says dsp clock speed is 1006.83 and the other is 1006.62
is this variation normal?


project said:
I have 2 cards one says dsp clock speed is 1006.83 and the other is 1006.62 is this variation normal?
They are within 0.02% of each other, yes, this is normal. This would be a problem if they were being used in A/D stage where the accuracy and jitter control are essentail. In the case of the UAD usage, since the CPU is the clock source and the latency sample buffers allow for the adjustment to the slight timining differences.


Active Member
Mine are similar.

And I think that the faster card sounds a little brighter and clearer.


Yes, I am just kidding


heh not gonna get me with that one cAPS. i have been over analyzing trying to figure out why using more than one UAD-1 with this MB is causing my problems and have run out of things to try. at least the new MB is on its way. (ASUS P5WD2)


Established Member
I love the P5WD2. It is a fast board, and best of all it is completely complacent with my UAds and Poco.
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