did some listening test, so, as always: ALL IMHO
AirEQ: cool, nice, smooth, good performance for the $ or €
I made also some settings with the URS Fulltec, which sounded very close to the \"Air\" band... also with PMB in EQ mode, the GEQ etc.
To me it sounds \"pultec EQ curved stylish\", \"musical\" as we described the Pultecs (long before the AirEQ).
Well, there is one (native) EQ which sounded \"better\" to me, more transparent, etc, well IMHO, and no surprise, the Algorithmix Blue.
As said already, nice *native* EQ to complement the tools(IF needed).
... and still, the UAD Neves(+Pultecs, ....) are \"on another planet\" (at least for me...)