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elisound Vocoder Group buy


Active Member
ok its not from UA but still sounds prey analog..ish

check out the group buy:

Running until May, 1st.

Current number of participants : 52

Current reduction amount : 30%

You will also get an additional reduction of 5% on the final price up to the 100th buyer !

Here how the group buy works :

1) You must go to our online shop and purchase the \"ELS Vocoder group buy\" item. You will receive a confirmation email with you participation number. Then you will be part of the ELS Vocoder group buy. The \"ELS Vocoder group buy\" price is the initial fee, which is required to participate to the group buy.

2) Depending on the number of participants, there will be a reduction on the ELS Vocoder price.
The original price of the Els Vocoder is $279 / 219€. The reduction is applied on the original price.

Please read the chart below to know how will be calculated the final price

Particip. Reduct. Final Price
1-19 10 % $251 / €197
20-29 15 % $237 / €186
30-39 20 % $223 / €175
40-49 25 % $209 / €164
50-69 30 % $195 / €153
70-119 35 % $181 / €142
120-179 40 % $167 / €131
180-239 45 % $153 / €120
240-300 50 % $139 / €109
300+ 55 % $125 / €98

Plus an additional 10% off for the first 50 buyers, and 5% off for the 51th to 100th buyers. The group buy period will be from april 1st to may 1st, and this will be the first and last group buy for the ELS Vocoder !

3) At the end of the group buy period, you will receive an email with the instruction to finalize the group buy participation, and to get the ELS Vocoder. You will receive a code for our online shop, and depending on your reduction on the price, you will eventually be asked to complete the initial group buy price.

Und hier der link für alle interessierten:


MASSIVE Mastering

Active Member
HOLY CRAP!!! They added MID/SIDE to the Air EQ?!?

How come they didn't send out a gigantic notice...?


Active Member
understatement maybe? :)


Active Member
group buy has been extended:

As several participants asked us, we decided to let the group buy running a few days more, to let a chance to some other people to get into this group buy, and we hope that it will reach the next participant level to get an additional reduction !

Feel free to spread the word, the more participants get into it, the more the price drops !

We hope that you will not mind to wait a little more (a very few days) to get one of the most innovative vocoder on the market at a great price !

All the best,

The Eiosis team.


Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
We barely squeaked into the current discount schedule, what's the point in extending it except to keep us waiting???


Active Member
..to sell a couple more, i guess.... well i'm not in a hurry and don't mind.
UAD Bundle Month