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Fairchild and Bass Guitar


Established Member

Why bother with it?


Seriously... why would you choose Fairchild over LA-2A or 1176?


jazzbass12 said:
anyone have any recomondations for settings on the Fairchild when using with bass guitar?
I set it for stun. Seriously, I dime the input, threshold and bias. Then mess around with the time constant to see what fits best for the material.

I like the sound of 60's British rock bass, though, and they didn't mess around with the compression.


Established Member
Suntower said:

Why bother with it?


Seriously... why would you choose Fairchild over LA-2A or 1176?


jazzbass12 said:
anyone have any recomondations for settings on the Fairchild when using with bass guitar?
To help tame the low end of a bass player that insists on recording "his sound" with all the low end boosted at the bass AND the amp! :roll:


Active Member
NuSkoolTone said:
To help tame the low end of a bass player that insists on recording "his sound" with all the low end boosted at the bass AND the amp! :roll:

You can get problems if you record too much of a bass frequency from the guitar itself (especially if the bass is active). Bass players will "dig in" less if the sound is so huge and all you really get is a sub feelin' which doesn't help the record much, unless you're really going for that sound.

Even in reggae someone like Aston Barrett plays on a very middley sound as well having good bass but doesn't push the low-low end very much...

And by the rolling of your eyes in your post I assume you know all this very well!! :lol:

The usual trick I use is to use some really bassy headphones (if he/she is in the booth). or the big monitors if you have it and whack up the bass in the monitoring and ask to compromise by lowering the bass on his guit.

If all else fails... high pass and compress with the 1176 first on about ratio 4 and then compress with fairchild (try dabbling with the ocean way setting!)... problem is it all depends on how the player plays!!
I use the LA2A Mainly on bass. I had heard several times that the Fairchild sounds great on bass. I tried and I cant seem to get it sound that different then the LA2A. I can see using the Fairchild to help drop the low end on bass.
I was looking to see how others approach using this plug on bass.


Fairchild on bass is one of my favorites. Set the Bias to the 2 or 3 o'clock point, time to 2, Gain to 12 or less and the threshold to about 3. Set the later two to give about 1 to 3dB of GR. If you need to do more smoothing, an LA2A before it or some other (semi) transparent compressor.

Follow it with a Pultec to add some low end if required.

I much prefer the Fairchild over the 1167LN, the Fairchild just makes adds the tube warmth, the 1167LN gets to grindy and destorted sounding.
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